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gordan mason

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a very very close friend of mine bought a terrier pup off gordon mason around a decade ago when he lived in tipp.

now no offence to the man, as i know he is a decent lad.

when i say the terrier was USELESS i mean USELESS. you wouldn't off needed a terrier box to put it in when going hunting, as you could have put this THING into your pocket never mind a box....to be honest you would have thought brian nuttall had breed it never mind gordon mason..........there you go.......MUDD...... :tongue2:


Not everyones a winner from any mans line, even if its a top producing line.

Very true you can have the best blood in the world doesnt mean its gonna work!!

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yes i appreciate that..your right,but all you had to say in your reply to the lad..was the man keeps rough blacks of good standard..as i dont really care who lives down the road from you

Bunny you are entitled to your opinion but you are wrong.I have seen no evidence of better dogs being produced by any strict regimes a lot of them(not all)just breed from two hour wonder dogs.What hav

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Ive had a few off him, over the years, the main problem if it's a problem!!! there a bit hard, great finders and stayers, sound man sound terriers,but like every line it depends on who's working them,there more fool than ever in the game!some couldn't enter a whore without help, never mind getting a terrier to work

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Is it a book on terriermen Pick and Shovel??


Yes it is mate...All top digging men.

why would top digging men of today, want their name as well as pictures of them selfs, and their dogs printed all over a book :blink:

no line is 100% no mater who bred it

why would top digging men of today, want their name as well as pictures of them selfs, and their dogs printed all over a book,

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an old picture of a dog i have thats said to be out of mason dogs,hes been a good dog for me i wished i had a kennell full like him cant comment on the man or his dogs as i dont know him.


have just spoken to gordon on the phone as he has no access to the net and even less interest. He has he has never bred a rough coated dog or bitch out of any of his bitches. But he did sayit could possibly be out of one of his dogs and some one elses bitch hope that helps.

was thinking the same myself there burnie

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well said busterdog but i would try to like to answerthe question in part i believe gordon works blacks to good effect and alo some russell types wich by all accounts get the job done gaging a mans animals from a decade ago his plain crazy and damn ignorance of how far the modern working terriers have come the pro terrier men have strived and will eecept nothing but good working animals anything else his given short shrift these dogs need ta get the job done in quick time

Haveing done a bit of digging myself Bunnys I have read your statement about how far the modern workin terrier has come.Could you explain to me what you mean by modern working terrier as I have never heard this term before.?And how far he has come.?Liam

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hi there liam when i used the term modern working terrier its just a term refered to we are in a modern time more so now than ever before in the history of the working terriers better and better animals for work are now being produced under the strict breeding regimes of this generation of terrier men quads 4 x4 make it now more accesable to earths yes the working terrierb men are evolving just like there terriers more terriers per litter are going on to be decent dogs than times gone by and long may this be so top of the moning to ya fellas

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hi there liam when i used the term modern working terrier its just a term refered to we are in a modern time more so now than ever before in the history of the working terriers better and better animals for work are now being produced under the strict breeding regimes of this generation of terrier men quads 4 x4 make it now more accesable to earths yes the working terrierb men are evolving just like there terriers more terriers per litter are going on to be decent dogs than times gone by and long may this be so top of the moning to ya fellas



Bunny you are entitled to your opinion but you are wrong.I have seen no evidence of better dogs being produced by any strict regimes a lot of them(not all)just breed from two hour wonder dogs.What have quads have to do with digging dogs.? W e walked to all them inaccesable earths so did the dogs they were never spoilt with taxis.What evidence is there that a higher percentage of pups are going on to be be decent dogs than times gone by?Digging nowadays is a simple matter collar on locate (good fit digging men)dig down dog out.Mabye it takes one hour mabye it takes six hours.Digging before we started to EVOLVE as terrier men we had no locators it often took two or three hours just to locate the dog and sometimes two three or four days to get him out but he stayed(if not he did not come home).Would a high percentage of modern terriers do this?.Pre evolving terrier men would never breed from mute dogs for obvious reasons but it is getting common nowadays(soon we wont have a barking terrier at all)I see posts on here all the time people saying we dug for two hours or we dug four foot my answer to that is so what is that the measure of a good dog not in my eyes.The pre evolve terrier men were also a lot more interested in Badger digging fox digging was done but the badger was the man to show us what dog was not comeing home.Some digging men have lines like this nowadays but they are kept very tight among real digging men to protect the lines from Mister Modern Terrier Man.

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hi there liam i agree with alot you said on your post but i am refering to pro terrier me on the whole and yes i have dug pre locator days uing the bar has the finding tool digging to dogs at great depths 7 s average 2 or 3 times a morning in clay and yes our dogs were good stickers finders etc had to be terriers of old were great working dogs in there own right that theres no doubt i never meant it to come across that the modern terrier his vastly superior no like i said terriers evolving the same has the terrier men them selves adifferent time the fast lane of todays society no liam has for digging yes our old terriers of times gone by as you rightly state were like the people of old from adifferent time had it harder fair play to ya enjoyed chatting through the post and its good to here from some one with good old fashioned views on the working terrier which of course have stood the test of time top of the morning ta yafellas

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  • 10 years later...
On 16/09/2010 at 06:29, "Earth!" said:


too true..ive been through some crap in my time,some 1/2 hearted,others just not upto scratch but have a line now from a friend which ive seen alot do the job and am happy with and sticking to other than a couple of pups coming from different lines which from what i have been told are of the correct sort.....


One of the lines ONLY goes to close friends,it does happen but those that dont make the grade do NOT get moved on,simple as that ;)

Exactly the best breeders of working terriers will produce more dogs that don’t work out than ones that do. No matter how good the dogs are or how selective he is about the dogs he breeds 

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