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Paid jobs

Jamie m

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I had a phone call today from a lady wants her padocks clearing anyhow reason she got onto me is because of horses ferret will be her prefered method , she has offered to pay travel expenses and any other costs, I told her it ws a pasion if myne ferrets and ferreting and I didn't really charge , she said she will discuss it when I go to have a crack at the rabbits , I mean as you guys know just the thought of new permision in the bag is as good as any cash , but it did get me wondering how do pest controlers go about seting a price for rabbit jobs do you charge a daily rate or price for clearing out , I mean the padocks will need rabbit fencing as well once we get them down , and with me being a self employed gardener and work being slow in the winter and all cheers j

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IF I charge for rabbiting it's a price per day plus costs i.e. gas .

This gives the customer to call a halt if they start worrying about costs .

But borntoshoot is spot on.....if she offers you fuel costs great but push yourself as a gardener/fence erector it's a good opportunity.........if you're self-employed never miss a chance to sell yourself :thumbs:



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some of our permissions are horse liverys we personaly dont charge but if you are thinking of charging do it for the minimum cost you can because as already stated sell yourself as a gardener/fencer etc you will proberly get work from it and dont forget normaly people with horse stables/liverys/and paddocks know other people with the likes and word of mouth of someone who ferrets fences and gardens and does it at a good price travels fast in the horse world

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If your going to charge your going to have to do a proper job and probably have insurance in case anything happens , wouldn't you be better going for a look before you think about pricing the job?.

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Not pricing the job I've already explained to the lady I'm not a full time ferreter and hay a day out ferreting on untouched land with expensis is just grand in my books , and as others have said do a good job and clear out word could spread happy days , if there's rabbits down there they're coming out one way or another . We went up to a farm we did last season today expecting to make a a start and crack on for the season 1 rabbit and tore round the perimeter in less than a day so that's one off the list for the season job done

Edited by Jamie m
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