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Callin in the fox

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What happend to the subject of english in you're school ?

  On 14/09/2010 at 20:41, FightTheBan said:

The best call on a calm night is the small mouse squeek ones you can buy from acme (i think).

Really capture their inquisitive nature and draws them in closer than anything else ive tried.



Common misconception is that louder is better, which is nonsense.

Some of the electric calls are good though.




I wish someone would tell my mate!


It's like a fecking mobile disco when you got out with him! :laugh:


Cranks it right up, I tried telling him it would be an animal the size of an aircraft carrier that made that much noise but I think he's gone deaf .........

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  On 15/09/2010 at 16:55, saluki bouy said:

widgeon whistle not gona say it works every time but we all know each one not 100 percent effective



Yeah i had a widgeon whistle but couldnt call a thing in on my land. But tried a Wam whistle and near enough had a fox trying to jump in the truck with me. But like you say, different types of call work in different areas. There isnt a one stop shop call for all foxes sadly.

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I reckon, it has a lot to do with what the fox would have heard before, like in an area that only has hares, then a hare distress call works well, but if its in an area that only holds rabbits then a rabbit call will work better. Some foxes react well to rat and mice squeeks. Another fox might come in for a mating call. I have used electronic callers, but have found they tend to scare the fox away. I find making the sound manually works much better. I usually whistle between my teeth for rabbit sound, squeek my lips for rat sounds, or squeek on my hand for hare. Usually the main reason the fox runs away, is because I wasnt vigilant enough in disguising myself, or they scented me from afar. :thumbs:

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i use the wham whistle and squeak with hand but ive found recently i tryed replicating a young polt / chick the chirp noise only about 3 or 4 chirps then stop and chirp again mates all took the piss till i brought 1 in when it ignored all the other usual methods has worked twice now once for me and once for my mate. :thumbs:

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  On 15/09/2010 at 20:33, willum said:

i use the wham whistle and squeak with hand but ive found recently i tryed replicating a young polt / chick the chirp noise only about 3 or 4 chirps then stop and chirp again mates all took the piss till i brought 1 in when it ignored all the other usual methods has worked twice now once for me and once for my mate. :thumbs:

i either catch a rabbit or hare depending on what the land holds the dog brings it back alive,i keep it in my pocket alive and bite its ear when i see a fox that makes it squeel :victory: .that works everytime :thumbs:

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Well to particular response to whippter69...proper english...chec da flag, not english.....lol....none the less, i doubt nearly all of the hunting circles that communicate on this site use completely proper english when out huntin...unless ur da red coat type and ride a great big stallion, that must be ur type eh,lol :feck:

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