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quote......As soon as you let them think you don't know anything mate, they get the calculaters out.....



these are very true words

i had clutch fitted the other day in mr-clutch no less

yhe guy on the till was tryin to stuff me from the off,

as i dropped it off i offered to pay for it there and then..

but he told me he wouldnt know how much the final price would be, i told him i knew cos theyd quoted me and given me a ref number for the price quote price.

he said yeahh thats just for the clutch but you might need other things.. i said i dont need other things , just the clutch..

then he said dont you want new oil ?? no i said, he goes you want the old oil put back in !!

..now someone none the the wiser would of said ok put in new oil dont put the old stuff back in


but i said what oil, your changin a clutch mate. you dont drain gear or engine oil to take out a clutch


poxy chap was lost for words and tryin to make iut up on the spot.......... lol

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Update on the van - she is no more :cry: .


It was in the garage over the weekend and they phones to say they had compression tested it and it had no compression. So there is obviously some damage, most likely being head gasket.


So if it were your van what would you do?


I have a few options.


1. Let the garage open her up to see the damage then fix it.

2. Buy s second hand engine and replace it.

3. Sell it to a dealer as it is for a reduced price.

4. Phone vauxhaul, shout and scream at them down the phone and tell them my business runs 4 similar vans, all up for replacement and if they don't foot the bill I will change to someone else.


Need to be as cost effective as possible, as whatever happens it will be getting sold as soon as. I don't need this happening again.


What a pain in the c**t.


Thanks for any advice.


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Update on the van - she is no more :cry: .


It was in the garage over the weekend and they phones to say they had compression tested it and it had no compression. So there is obviously some damage, most likely being head gasket.


So if it were your van what would you do?


I have a few options.


1. Let the garage open her up to see the damage then fix it.

2. Buy s second hand engine and replace it.

3. Sell it to a dealer as it is for a reduced price.

4. Phone vauxhaul, shout and scream at them down the phone and tell them my business runs 4 similar vans, all up for replacement and if they don't foot the bill I will change to someone else.


before you contact your dealer ranting and raving

1 has the vehicle been regulary serviced in a dealership

2 is it now in a dealership

3 am i right in thinking that the offending hose/pipe has been replaced before

4 if it has was this done in a dealership

5 was it a dealership that told you that this a common fault

6 was the fault caused by the hose rubbing through


if you can ans the above i can advise you on your best course of action


regards mike

Edited by keeper 51
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Update on the van - she is no more :cry: .


It was in the garage over the weekend and they phones to say they had compression tested it and it had no compression. So there is obviously some damage, most likely being head gasket.


So if it were your van what would you do?


I have a few options.


1. Let the garage open her up to see the damage then fix it.

2. Buy s second hand engine and replace it.

3. Sell it to a dealer as it is for a reduced price.

4. Phone vauxhaul, shout and scream at them down the phone and tell them my business runs 4 similar vans, all up for replacement and if they don't foot the bill I will change to someone else.


Need to be as cost effective as possible, as whatever happens it will be getting sold as soon as. I don't need this happening again.


What a pain in the c**t.


Thanks for any advice.



Sorry to hear that mate.... worse case scenario.... atleast I gave you a little hope lol.

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The van has not been serviced in a dealership and is not in one now.

The offending pipe was replaced in a main dealer less than 6 months ago as the records will show.

Problem is I am in the arsehole of nowhere up here. 40 mile to nearest vauxhaul dealer and surrounded by sheep shagger mechanics who could be screwing me for all I'm worth.

The engine hasn't even been looked at but is turning over.


If I was back in the shire it wouldn't be a problem as I have handy mates.



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The van has not been serviced in a dealership and is not in one now.

The offending pipe was replaced in a main dealer less than 6 months ago as the records will show.

Problem is I am in the arsehole of nowhere up here. 40 mile to nearest vauxhaul dealer and surrounded by sheep shagger mechanics who could be screwing me for all I'm worth.

The engine hasn't even been looked at but is turning over.


If I was back in the shire it wouldn't be a problem as I have handy mates.




ok your chance of getting a main dealership to foot the bill is nill however if the problem was caused by the hose fitted in the dealership then before any reoairs or

striping for examination is carried out contact the dealership informing them of your

current problems and ask for comment on there inadequate repair that has now caused

the failure of your engine a tell them of the costs that your likley to incure

you could also support this claim with photos


the next step contact vauxhall direct explaining the problems telling them that when

the previous repair was carried out in one of there dealerships they informed you this

was a common fault with this model

in veiw of this you have been diligent in constantly monitoring the coolant levels

stating that on the day in question all levels were checked before comensing trip and

found to be correct

immediately on noticing the vehicle engine holding back you pulled to the side of the

road at this point the engine stalled on turning off the ignition no problems were apparent

however when the ign was switched on engine management an overheat lamps were showing

the vehicle was towed to nearest garage


you feel in veiw of your immidate action to protect the engine and there being a known

fault with your model as admitted by the dealership and the inability of the warning

lamp to protect you against this problem

you would expect some form of gesture toward the cost of repair


last but not least mechanics is not a guessing game do not let the garage strip your

engine til they carry out the following tests


1 repair or seal off the offending hose

2 pressure test the cooling system if pressure loss where is leaking inturnal oil level

will increes

3 remove injectors and check for rust or water on tips

4 crank engine check for water from injector sleves

5 carry out compression test note readings should all be about the same

6 carry out wet compression test this will indicate any damage to engine bore or pistons


with these tests carried out any skilled can come to the right conclusions without these tests at best they are guessing at worst they dont know what they are doing

or they are trying to rip you off

hope this is of some help to you

mike :thumbs:

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Also when I went to start it today the yellow light stayed on indicating the engine still thinks there's a fault. Which is maybe why it won't let it start.


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The van has not been serviced in a dealership and is not in one now.

The offending pipe was replaced in a main dealer less than 6 months ago as the records will show.

Problem is I am in the arsehole of nowhere up here. 40 mile to nearest vauxhaul dealer and surrounded by sheep shagger mechanics who could be screwing me for all I'm worth.

The engine hasn't even been looked at but is turning over.


If I was back in the shire it wouldn't be a problem as I have handy mates.




ok your chance of getting a main dealership to foot the bill is nill however if the problem was caused by the hose fitted in the dealership then before any reoairs or

striping for examination is carried out contact the dealership informing them of your

current problems and ask for comment on there inadequate repair that has now caused

the failure of your engine a tell them of the costs that your likley to incure

you could also support this claim with photos


the next step contact vauxhall direct explaining the problems telling them that when

the previous repair was carried out in one of there dealerships they informed you this

was a common fault with this model

in veiw of this you have been diligent in constantly monitoring the coolant levels

stating that on the day in question all levels were checked before comensing trip and

found to be correct

immediately on noticing the vehicle engine holding back you pulled to the side of the

road at this point the engine stalled on turning off the ignition no problems were apparent

however when the ign was switched on engine management an overheat lamps were showing

the vehicle was towed to nearest garage


you feel in veiw of your immidate action to protect the engine and there being a known

fault with your model as admitted by the dealership and the inability of the warning

lamp to protect you against this problem

you would expect some form of gesture toward the cost of repair


last but not least mechanics is not a guessing game do not let the garage strip your

engine til they carry out the following tests


1 repair or seal off the offending hose

2 pressure test the cooling system if pressure loss where is leaking inturnal oil level

will increes

3 remove injectors and check for rust or water on tips

4 crank engine check for water from injector sleves

5 carry out compression test note readings should all be about the same

6 carry out wet compression test this will indicate any damage to engine bore or pistons


with these tests carried out any skilled can come to the right conclusions without these tests at best they are guessing at worst they dont know what they are doing

or they are trying to rip you off

hope this is of some help to you

mike :thumbs:


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