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Spoke too soon!


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Im afraid i spoke too soon with the ticks,a few days ago I noticed what I thought was a cleavers seed on my hob mickey so went to pull it off and it was a tick :censored: so thought dont panic and sent away for an O'Tom Tick Twister,it arrived in a day but I found it very fiddly and by this time there were more and also on my Jill Mallory.So phoned the vets today and luckily a vet answered so I asked if I could buy some frontline spray no probs he said its safe for ferrets no consultation needed :notworthy: so fingers crossed

ATB Seany :thumbs:

P.S I wonder why the sprays perscription only but the spot-ons not?

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Id suggest practising with the tick puller, ticks will be an on-going occurance if using the ferts for ferreting, and frontline is'nt cheap, where as tick pullers are, and just as effective

I know what your saying stubby but there really really small.But when i get on top of them have a real good check daily


My vet sold me some frontline spray but i had to put down that it was for the dog .When you use spray put on a pair of rubber gloves spray the gloves then rub the ferret .It worked a treat for me with plenty of sprays left

Yeah thats what I did mate they've started to drop off already


when mine got ticks i bought frontline spot on for kittens. and i have not seen a tick since i used it over a year ago

I might just look into that mate.

Anyway its all good expeirience cant run to the vets every two minutes!

Edited by seany
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