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boxing day hunt

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whilst im in the mood for talking any ov you lot done the boxing day hunt in york ive been for the last two years and its absoutely spot on proper hunting lads come from all over meet up and beat about seven woods with groups off lads scattered in the near by fields with thier lurchers then after they all go to a pub where the landlord puts on a free stew a right day just wondered if any ov you had been :clapper:

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it is scotty one off my best days of the year you get some right ruff necks to old men in there 60s remernicing just to watch its not an organised event anyone can go they come from all over bradford leeds halifax hebden bridge barnsley chesterfield hull scarbrough ripon york i can keep going on but its a proper hunting mans day out theyve been doing it for about 14 years thats why id off thought some lads on here might of been to it makes my xmas :yahoo:

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it is maaccy ya meet some right lads from all around yorkshire theres three cars off us going from bradford if you want to come you can let me know an ill pm you time an were the meet is not driving so abit of this after :drink: and some of this :rocker::yahoo: with the lads in the pub after :welcomeani:

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