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out lamping tonight

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took my dog and the son's dog out tonight for a mid week run just for a few rabbits to keep there fitness topped up,anyway i bumped into the keeper who shot a fox and my dogs were there luckily enough to retrieve it,he's been after this fox for weeks as its been causing havoc with his pheasents so he was happy,ian and mods i forgot to ask the keeper to put the gun and cartridges next to the fox when i took the picture i do appoligise :whistle:


Edited by marco
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Guest game'dogs

its good when keepers take heed of a good dog and let you show it of now and again atleast you know that when the keeper shot it and the dogs retreived it , that it was shot dead and it wasnt lying there suffering :thumbs-up: .

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its good when keepers take heed of a good dog and let you show it of now and again atleast you know that when the keeper shot it and the dogs retreived it , that it was shot dead and it wasnt lying there suffering :thumbs-up: .

:yes: totally agree mate,i can assure you that this fox was despatched humanely.

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just to back up the humane issues......i know a keeper who has no fox dogs but lamps alot of foxes he shot one with a .222 and drove over to it.....lol.....lazy buggars when he got there it was lying dead, collapsed!!


He always collects his foxes the morning after, don't know why so he walked over to it....as he went to pick it up it snarled and snapped at him and ran off it had layed there for 8 hours.....while he was rushing off to get a gun to shoot it again, he was thinking and i quote 'i wish that Ahab with that p***y dog was here'


I'm Ahab and that p***y dog is my pointerx.....another triumph for the lurchers!!!!


Well done Marco...are they both new dogs you got there??

Edited by dickyboy
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I'm Ahab and that p***y dog is my pointerx.....another triumph for the lurchers!!!!


Well done Marco...are they both new dogs you got there??



hey Ahab have you told that keeper that you bought the pointer x off a p***y :11: iv'e had them quiet a bit now but i didn't have them when you were up,

saluki x,the dog on the right is bred off :

grand sire-feather,brother to kippers cruiser

} dam-pearl

grand dam-susie,a gaskin bred bitch


}my pup


grand sire-pure saluki,bred through john lennons star

} sire-shearer

grand dam-charlie and diesle bitch,kelvin thompsons bitch


thats me attempt at a family tree hope you understand it :11:

snoopdog,the dog on the left is 2 years old and the dog on the right is 12 months old




:11: that didn't work out right. :wacko:

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