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those taliban need wiped out.

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Learn? What have I done wrong to you? I was agreeing with someone's post, but being the bully you are you just attack the female dont you....... go for it!   I have learn't that you have a foul m

the Taliban are everywhere mate we cant sit back and wait for to the fight to come to us they need sorting out in there breeding grounds there and here there spreading everywhere john

Read this thread its full of facts, i'm not going to go through it and re post them becuase you were too ignorant(or stupid) to see them first time around. There you go again, because i don't agree wi

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lol you didnt have to tell us you applied for a council house i already knew you was a council house chav


:notworthy: :notworthy: :clapper:


Its funny how hypocritical and maybe even slightly retard some people are on this site ain't it mate. Epicfailure69, once again shows his lack of intelligence. Well done

Edited by littletimmy
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We've been through this, I agreed! I'm sure in your little world, Even though you couldn't disprove one thing I said about Muslim’s nor could your girlfriend raggajaffa who claims to be one!!


You fire insults in the vain attempt to make yourself seem clever but you don't appear anywhere near clever just even more of an idiot spouting nonsense you know nothing about.


As you both (that’s is if there is 2 of you, as you both have similar grammar, constantly and instant editing and jaggajaffa only joined to jump on this thread) can't disprove anything I said, then it's hardly misdirected hatred. If you can, read through, I never once said that we should send anyone back anywhere in fact almost the opposite nor did I say I hated any race!


You have nothing sensible to say at all!

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We've been through this, I agreed! I'm sure in your little world, Even though you couldn't disprove one thing I said about Muslim’s nor could your girlfriend raggajaffa who claims to be one!!


You fire insults in the vain attempt to make yourself seem clever but you don't appear anywhere near clever just even more of an idiot spouting nonsense you know nothing about.


As you both (that’s is if there is 2 of you, as you both have similar grammar, constantly and instant editing and jaggajaffa only joined to jump on this thread) can't disprove anything I said, then it's hardly misdirected hatred. If you can, read through, I never once said that we should send anyone back anywhere in fact almost the opposite nor did I say I hated any race!


You have nothing sensible to say at all!


Oh i forgot, if we sent them 'home' you wouldn't have a home would you ;)

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Just because the guy applied for a council property why does that make him a chav to me that is stereotyping and ignorance so who is the intelligent one with 2 accounts. Maybe if there was less freeloaders coming to this country to rape it for everything they can get but still try and force their culture on us then maybe he wouldnt need to live in a muslim owners house have you seen some parts of the country where if you walk down the street they look at you as if to say have you got passport or what you doing here you f+++in white this n that no probably not

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Just because the guy applied for a council property why does that make him a chav to me that is stereotyping and ignorance so who is the intelligent one with 2 accounts. Maybe if there was less freeloaders coming to this country to rape it for everything they can get but still try and force their culture on us then maybe he wouldnt need to live in a muslim owners house have you seen some parts of the country where if you walk down the street they look at you as if to say have you got passport or what you doing here you f+++in white this n that no probably not



It was epicfail who started with the chav comments, he just just didn't realise he had already set himself up to the very same response he was happy to throw about. Also, i hardly think the average "freeloader" sponges enough to buy property-to-rent. I don't disagree with you here though, freeloaders shouldn't be allowed entry, we have enough in this country without adding to the problem. As i have already said immigration laws need to be tightened. But still, entry to some must be granted, we just need to be more choosey s to whom gets it.

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I didn't set myself up! I knew you would you jump on it like a fly on shit, If you read it properly I did say that!


Thus proving you are here for nothing but to argue with nothing intelligent to say except throw insults that don’t even fit into anything I have said, buying sweets from packi shops, kebabs at the weekends and curry’s (Which is Indian BTW who are Hindi’s not Muslim, though you would know that being the clever person you are) and can’s at the weekend shite, its childish comments, because you have lost the debate and proven yourself to be an idiot no matter what else you say, what insults you throw, every reply your making just digs you deeper into the abyss of idiocy and showing you for what you really are.


Which responses was I "happy to throw about" are you referring to? - I asked you this before and you didn't answer then either because you couldn't or didn't bother reading back to find out if there even was any.

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Thus proving you are here for nothing but to argue



I only got to this point and decided i could not be bothered to read anymore, i may do in the morning, when im bored, waiting to serve our country, but until then i wont bother reading.


As for what i have quoted you, well it doesn't take a genius to work that out does it, i already admitted it about 6 pages ago. I even offered to swop sides with scots in the next arguement so he could have a go at defending them and i could argue against them :thumbs:

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