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There was a thread on here a week or so ago about Dog Rocks (in a negative light). I've used these for several years and whenever I forget to replace them, the burn marks start appearing on the lawn again so they certainly seem to work with mine. Maybe it's just because the rocks are from Australia and mine are all kelpies. :whistling:


Incidentally, is it true that it's only bitches' urine which burns the grass and if so then why? :hmm:

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My bitch did the same, dogs can burn the grass aswell but as they usually piss up something so it doesnt burn as much!


She has killed off half the turf I laid a few month ago in my back garden....


Anyway, my mum had her garden re-turfed last year and her dog hasn't ruined her grass so she told me what she does, a dollop of tomato sauce on her dogs food stops it from happening, i've tried it with my dogs and so far the other half is still lush green grass!!


She said if you forget the sauce for a few days you will notice burn marks coming so it does seem to work.


I was told then to drench the grass and sprinkle lime to nutralize the nitrogen on the bare part and reseed and put somthing round to stop the dogs from running on the bare part while the grass grows back.


She said that there is stuff you can buy but if you read up they say it can casue complications over time, where as tomato sauce will do em no harm and they seem to love it...


Worth a try I suppose! (In fact if you look at my avatar you can see a burn patch in front of the pups, which is now all mud....)

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My bitch did the same, dogs can burn the grass aswell but as they usually piss up something so it doesnt burn as much!


She has killed off half the turf I laid a few month ago in my back garden....


Anyway, my mum had her garden re-turfed last year and her dog hasn't ruined her grass so she told me what she does, a dollop of tomato sauce on her dogs food stops it from happening, i've tried it with my dogs and so far the other half is still lush green grass!!


She said if you forget the sauce for a few days you will notice burn marks coming so it does seem to work.


I was told then to drench the grass and sprinkle lime to nutralize the nitrogen on the bare part and reseed and put somthing round to stop the dogs from running on the bare part while the grass grows back.


She said that there is stuff you can buy but if you read up they say it can casue complications over time, where as tomato sauce will do em no harm and they seem to love it...


Worth a try I suppose! (In fact if you look at my avatar you can see a burn patch in front of the pups, which is now all mud....)

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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