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my young dog will retrieve a ball right up to hand , yet once i use a rabbit skin or dummy he'll retrieve one or two then just chew then, should i do it in the alley way with the long lead on or something else? and does this mean he wont retrieve a rabbit in the field? thanks

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keep it simple and dont over do it if he brings a couple back praise him and leave it for an hour or two even the next day to try again he is chewing as he is board with bringing it back to you and thats the last thing you want mate little and often is the key :thumbs:

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used to throw a dummy up a alley way, then the only way past is you, in the way, once he retrieves x3 i would call it a day, plenty of praise (people used to look at me like a crazed idiot) and a little treat after each retrieve, but make it as much fun as you can, dont scold the dog if he doesn't do straight away, good luck :thumbs:

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thanks guys he just turned one but still puppyish in everyway except size, i just dont want to be stuck with him not retrieving game, i would like him to be a rough shooting dog as well so retrieving is a must!

dont be to disheartened mate some dogs just wont do it, no matter how much time you put in

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More is always less when it comes to retrieve training: only do 2 retreives at any one time, or per day. Try and vary the item retrieved, the location and try hiding it too, rather than just throwing it. If he has to look for it that can make it more interesting for the dog. You don't say how old he is either. Teething between 4 and 6 months can make it difficult, and the teenage stage from 8 to 15 months is another challenging time. Young dogs get bored quickly.

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just had him down the alley way with the dummy and he retrieved it straight back to hand :gunsmilie: how long should i keep him on this?


keep at it mate,but i would do this no more than 3x a day,for my pup i done this for about 2 mths,when he is getting confident bringing it back to you,move back a little further so that he has to retrieve it back longer,he will have his off days,when this happens just give him a break for a day or 2,always give him loads of praise and end on a good note,patience and little and often are the key,this worked for me,other may have done it different,hope this helps,cheers......john

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