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Which is pos. on Charger

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The wire with the white line through it is 100% live (red), wire it the wrong way around and you will blow the charger, dont rely on putting a light bulb on the wires to see which is live because a bulb will work no matter which way around it is wired.


This intormation is for a deben 400/800mA charger for 12v sealed lead acid batteries,and the wires are black not grey,unless you mean your lad has pulled the wires directly out of the charger itself,if that is the case ive never had it happen so i cannot give any advice on the matter.

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The wire with the white line through it is 100% live (red), wire it the wrong way around and you will blow the charger, dont rely on putting a light bulb on the wires to see which is live because a bulb will work no matter which way around it is wired.


This intormation is for a deben 400/800mA charger for 12v sealed lead acid batteries,and the wires are black not grey,unless you mean your lad has pulled the wires directly out of the charger itself,if that is the case ive never had it happen so i cannot give any advice on the matter.


Thank you very much,

Lady Rosselle you are correct the thin cables to the charger are Black, the ones to the battery are Grey

I got the colours wrong I can now wire the charger and battery up, I shall have to turn the cable grips around on the duraplugs as they are very thin wires.

Once again Thank you very much for your help.

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