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any advice on my pup after injury

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hello troops my 6mth old pup was out lamoing 3wks ago and after chasing her tenth or so rabbit ( first time on the lamp) went to strike one and as she did so colided with a rock witch hit her shoulder, she screemed and rolled over when i checked her she was fine apart from a bit shook up she lost interest in the next few slips understandably and i called it a night.


i left it a week and a half to let her forget aboout it and took her back on she was keen to chase but pulled up when it came to the strike so i slipped her on few dropped rabbits my other do caught and she don well on them but still refused to strike ones she has chased herself do u think shell be ok or has she lost heart thanks tbear



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You should not be running a 6 month old pup anyways ya muppet! Its bones and muscles havent even developed yet so i dont know what your on this asking peple that for because any dog men who know there stuff will not entertain you for taking a pup on lamping at that age. YOU FCUKING FAN*Y

Edited by JamesDavidson
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You should not be running a 6 month old pup anyways ya muppet! Its bones and muscles havent even developed yet so i dont know what your on this asking peple that for because any dog men who know there stuff will not entertain you for taking a pup on lamping at that age. YOU FCUKING FAN*Y

100% correct :thumbs:

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OK teddybear well I think you get the jist of what the lads are trying to say.

Stop working the pup and let it rest up to ensure that shoulder comes fit....go back to training and don't start it again for another 6 months...in all liklihood it'll come good if you give it the time....6 months old is far to young to be working or even entered .



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thanks for the replys lads obviously yous are the top dog men on here who dont make mistakes any other questions n al get right bk tae yi n who dae you hink ur talkin tae ya fukin wee ride jim davidson most a ma pals up here start their dogs at that age n are cracking a tryed my pup at that age to see how it went and had a bit a bad luck you thinK ad hurt any a ma dugs intentionally your the FANNY

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Ok then TB you know best the thing is still a baby any your taking it on lamping haha what a clown and thats why it was yelping when it hit a rock because its little bones are still soft and weak. Come down to england and i will show you what a good dog really is and bring your mates dogs aswell if you want. f**k*ng Rocket.

Edited by JamesDavidson
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No need for name calling realy . At the end of the day if the lad has seen others with dogs that have been "working" from 6 months its unevatable he is going to think thats the done thing untill something like this happens. I wouldnt say you have went out your way to hurt the dog injure the dog and tbh i doubt the thought of an injury would have even come into your head as i know all to weel the great feeling of seing your young dog coming on and getting a run. I would say that i personaly wouldnt let any dog run under 12 months of age and tbh wouldnt even run alot at that age depending on the dogs mentality etc some are mature and ready at the year others better started at nearer the 18 month mark although most are entering pups at 9-10 months without problems i always have stuck by the age a trainer would school a greyhound as thats when the dogs ready to take the strain its power and speed will put its body through.



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How many times does this same topic get dragged over if someone tells you they enter a dog at 6 months they dont know a great deal about running dogs .Dogs mature at different ages but if you spend the first year training it not only will it be a pleasure to work the rest of its life but its life is more likely to be a longer one just my opinion for what its worth.The few people Ive been out with who constantly told me their dog could do it all at 6,7,8 months old seem to be the same people screaming and shouting the dog or looking for whatever it killed because they spent so much time trying to kill every thing they didnt have time to teach the fecking thing to retrieve or return if it didnt kill

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