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lamped hares (pre ban)

Guest fence_hopper

pre ban hare on the lamp  

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  1. 1. to lamp or not

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Guest fence_hopper

PRE BAN. i lamped a few hares and to be honest the land i run is not suitable for daytime coursing nor do you see them in the daytime there. i'm talking hills (close to mountins) hedges alot of cover for them to get away. this is very hard running for any dog tbh, and your catch rate wouldnt be 6 out of 6 like the fens no matter how good the dog. or are hares just for daytime flatfields, if my land was like that there would of been no need to of lamped them. this is just my thoughts no harm done and hopefully no arguement just some honest opinions please. ALL ABOVE PRE BAN :thumbs:

Edited by fence_hopper
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If you are going to eat it it's not that bad to lamp it

I must be an old courser then and funnily enough...... don't bet on them. Hares shouldn't be lamped. We have all done it, grew up and realised their is no glory in a lamped hare just a dead warrior ki

Little respect left for quarry now,probably why there are so few decent lurcher lads now.

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PRE BAN. i lamped a few hares and to be honest the land i run is not suitable for daytime coursing nor do you see them in the daytime there. i'm talking hills (close to mountins) hedges alot of cover for them to get away. this is very hard running for any dog tbh, and your catch rate wouldnt be 6 out of 6 like the fens no matter how good the dog. or are hares just for daytime flatfields, if my land was like that there would of been no need to of lamped them. this is just my thoughts no harm done and hopefully no arguement just some honest opinions please. ALL ABOVE PRE BAN :thumbs:


You wont be the first or the last to lamp a hare mate :thumbs:

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Missed more hares on the lamp through the land being unsuitable that the hare getting up on the dog.


Don't get me wrong, a hare can still kick uo the gears on the lamp and anyone who says different is inexperienced or a liar.

Its just that they tend to make more mistakes and are not as a adapt at running at night.


The utlimate daytime quarry for a lurcher, and a mediocre quarry on the lamp.


Strictly pre ban obviously.

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i used to lamp them pre ban and run them in the day!! just depended what you seen while your was out lamping and how long you were out. if it was all night then no good tiring the dog out in the first field so stuck to rabbits and if not caught many run a couple of hares on the way home but if just out for an hour or two then slip on sight lol :thumbs:

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Guest michael.hudson7

I myself have lamped hare for the same reason in the day there is to much cover and they are really very scarse. To get a decent run around my land on this most evasive of quarries you have to lamp them.

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The only way to get a hare around was to lamp them! You would see next to f**k all in the daytime, switch on the lamp and you lost count! The only people who don't like hares being lamped are the old coursers, can't bet on a lamped hare can ye lol. As long as your going to eat it what does it matter, still gives the dog a good sprint out imo.

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The only way to get a hare around was to lamp them! You would see next to f**k all in the daytime, switch on the lamp and you lost count! The only people who don't like hares being lamped are the old coursers, can't bet on a lamped hare can ye lol. As long as your going to eat it what does it matter, still gives the dog a good sprint out imo.


I must be an old courser then and funnily enough...... don't bet on them. Hares shouldn't be lamped. We have all done it, grew up and realised their is no glory in a lamped hare just a dead warrior killed by an unfair advantage.... :cry:

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