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Bigotry is a part of everyday life all over the world, the idea that we should all be the best of friends who-ever or where-ever we are is a total crock

The west indians hate the africans but they share the same ancestry, the Sikhs hate the Hindius but they are basically the same people, i know a few Ukranians and Lithuanians who hate there fellow country men because thay are a different religion, the same goes for a minority of Irish people.


I think that the reaction and practice that you call Bigotry is a normal and natural reaction to anything that threatens you directly, How many people over the last couple of centuries have gladly accepted a "foreign" practice replacing their own?

while there are differing countries, religions, lanuages and even football teams, including the girls, and basic pride there will always be what you call bigotry

Of course you can also call it ignorance or just a basic distrust of what you know nothing about but that is a perfectly normal survival reflex, Long live bigotry !!


Yours in ignorance :notworthy:





What a fantastic post :thumbs: ......


In near every walk of like rivalry is encouraged and accepted,yet when a man says he dont like somebody or something he,s a bigot,racist,sexist or any other of these ridiculous trendy meaningless words they come out with these days. :doh:

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I'm not American English, what is the English Oxford dictionary definition?   For the record, I'm only hostile and intolerant to those who wish to cause me or my friends or family harm.   I'm defi

Perish the thought Dave, don't want to upset our resident lefties who think those sort of terms only apply to white people...       I forgot about that one..

Its one thing to have beliefs and opinions but to think your superior and in some way better than others because of these beliefs is wrong. If that makes me a lefty liberal then fine. :angel:


An exact description of people who advocate political correctness and label people bigots. :hmm:

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Its one thing to have beliefs and opinions but to think your superior and in some way better than others because of these beliefs is wrong. If that makes me a lefty liberal then fine. :angel:


An exact description of people who advocate political correctness and label people bigots. :hmm:


And how does that advocate PC then? :hmm:

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Its one thing to have beliefs and opinions but to think your superior and in some way better than others because of these beliefs is wrong. If that makes me a lefty liberal then fine. :angel:


Yes id say it does....after all,if a man has 1 opinion from a choice of 2 its because he thinks the other one is wrong :blink: .....why make it more complicated than it needs to be by giving that " a name " !

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very easy to call people bigots and racists if they dont share the same views as yourself.critisisim isnt racisim,its just someone elses opinion of something they see as unjust or plain wrong,and you cant blame the way some people are feeling for what is happening in the uk today,but the liberals will brand these people as racists and bigots as malt says hypocrites is what they are.they will not under any circumstances agree with your views,however think their own is gospel.

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very easy to call people bigots and racists if they dont share the same views as yourself.critisisim isnt racisim,its just someone elses opinion of something they see as unjust or plain wrong,and you cant blame the way some people are feeling for what is happening in the uk today,but the liberals will brand these people as racists and bigots as malt says hypocrites is what they are.they will not under any circumstances agree with your views,however think their own is gospel.


I agree with you criticism of another religion or culture doesn't make you a bigot or racist. But when you start to make derogatory comments about said religion/culture or think that you are in some way better or superior to them it does. There hasn't been one reasonable debate in here about about religion they all go the same way. Extremists exist in every culture and every religion but that appears to be lost on most people.

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i went to a building site acouple of years ago and asked [are you looking for joiners?]came the reply [your the wrong race] i asked what do you do you mean? came the reply your not polish.to say i was pissed off is an understatement.i found myself cursing the feckin poles, send them back to there own country.however i,m not racist. if i was polish i probably would have came over here to find work and send money back home along with the family credit.

its not the poles fault,it,s the feckin system,feck the system,feck the ban.

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Of course bigotry is tolerated on this site and many others if every bigoted remark was removed the remover would be bigoted as they are intolerant to that remark .Say A says one thing and B disagrees thats bigotry happens everywhere but I have never been called a bigot for what I think and as the old chestnut goes I think therefore I am

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A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, irrationality, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern American English refers to persons hostile to those of differing race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation and religion.



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