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burn the koran

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burn it why back down to them :gunsmilie: ffs if they kick of it proves Islam is not the peaceful religion they want us o believe it is, if he backs out of this it just proves how we cant make a stand against this religion WAKE UP WORLD.

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go and fight a war for oil? I respect those in the army n wish they would get more from others. Thing is you come back and the terrorists earn more by claiming benefits than your wage. Not only that b

Burn a lorry load, and chuck some spuds on the fire, a few beers, some firworks, it could be a really good night, perhaps it could become an annual event, or even make it a permenent bank holiday

its the fecking lunatics that believe in it that want burning

Guest Buttermilk

i'm all for it but i understand there will be repocusions but when they burn union jacks or stars and stripes we are told to ignore it!!!!




i don't see whats to gain from it,,, if burning a book makes you fell like you have thought your enimies a lesson you are a fool in my opinion, what is the point of it apart from insulting a whole religion (sorry i just answered my own question :doh::doh:



I agree totally....it's utter nonsense to suggest that the burning of the Koran by this arrogant, overbearing bigot will do anything other than cause further discord and bloodshed.

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yea there has been plenty wars and killings in the name of Christianity,however fortuaenetly we have moved on from theses days.unlike islam who still preach there old draconian ways.oh and sadly more and more youndg islams are taking this as gospel and quite prepared to blow themselfs up for this wicked religion.now whether that be that they think the teaching in the quoran are corerect and islam should be worlwide or the wars in iraq or a mixture of both i dont know,but i do know this if them that govern us keep appeasing them and scared of the backlash if we dont pander to their every whim.then there only asking for civil unrest and ordainary people taking matters in to their own hands.its a powder keg on the streets of britain and in usa and holland spreading to the rest of europe and sooner than later its gonna come to a head.I would think it will start in the sates myself,especially with the idea of building a mosque near the site of 9/11 i mean that is one slap in the face to every person who died or was affected by that act.i still cant even grasp that they are actually considering that.!the radicals must be pissing themselfs laughing and giving them other thoughts of what next they can do to make us feel like second class citizens.

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yea there has been plenty wars and killings in the name of Christianity,however fortuaenetly we have moved on from theses days.unlike islam who still preach there old draconian ways.oh and sadly more and more youndg islams are taking this as gospel and quite prepared to blow themselfs up for this wicked religion.now whether that be that they think the teaching in the quoran are corerect and islam should be worlwide or the wars in iraq or a mixture of both i dont know,but i do know this if them that govern us keep appeasing them and scared of the backlash if we dont pander to their every whim.then there only asking for civil unrest and ordainary people taking matters in to their own hands.its a powder keg on the streets of britain and in usa and holland spreading to the rest of europe and sooner than later its gonna come to a head.I would think it will start in the sates myself,especially with the idea of building a mosque near the site of 9/11 i mean that is one slap in the face to every person who died or was affected by that act.i still cant even grasp that they are actually considering that.!the radicals must be pissing themselfs laughing and giving them other thoughts of what next they can do to make us feel like second class citizens.



I think you'll find that wars in the name of Christianity are alive and well:


George Bush - Christian Maniac !

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i think you will find what is preached in the quoran and what is happening today in the same breath is quite frankly idiotic.the war in the middle east has absouletly nothing to do with religion on our side of it.its all about oil in iraq and a gas pipeline in afghanastan.and to put the teachings of our church today and what is preached in mosques and some of those backwards countrys that have no morals or concern for human life ours and their own is absurd.as for tony blair well if you wanna take him to his word then more fool you.the man is a noted liar.if he told me it was raining outside id go out and check.

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... Im more scared of white men in blue suits with baby chrmer smiles than i am of some daft asian kid on a bus with a backpack or maybe an asian women praying in the middle of nowhere :boogie:


A white man in a blue suit? Is it only white men in Blue suits these days?



fair point there AFT :thumbs: they come in all colors in our multi cultural heaven :thumbs:


I wish a Multicultural society could be heaven, unfortunately I don't think it can :nono:

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burn it why back down to them :gunsmilie: ffs if they kick of it proves Islam is not the peaceful religion they want us o believe it is, if he backs out of this it just proves how we cant make a stand against this religion WAKE UP WORLD.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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you cant seperate muslim extremism and christian extremism. both have caused wars and both go against the teachings of the bible and koran. we've had our own problems in ireland with religious extemists, the church here commited horrific abuses against the poor mostly all in gods name.

muslim extremism has its roots in arab oppression, arabs being oppressed by imperial countries like america britain and israel.

western imperial governments are simply reaping what they've sowed in the mid east since colonial times and since they carved up palistine to ease their guilt of the holocaust.

if you want muslims to stop hating you then stop invading their countries, quite simple really.

pakistan only exists cos of your failed empire in india.....list goes on and on....


i see your no fan of the crown!

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As av said time and time again we have to fight fire with fire! They blow us up with IED's so do the same back to them

how many fights have you won by backing down!!!!

Let look at it they crashed some plans n killed 3000 people and this daft c**t wants to burn some book!

Hardly an eye for an eye is it!

why dose he not to crash some plans in to them! its like someone punching you and you spit in their face!

Yes we invaded iraq but Afghanistan asked us to help!

we only went for OIL and SMACK!!

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