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burn the koran

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go and fight a war for oil? I respect those in the army n wish they would get more from others. Thing is you come back and the terrorists earn more by claiming benefits than your wage. Not only that b

Burn a lorry load, and chuck some spuds on the fire, a few beers, some firworks, it could be a really good night, perhaps it could become an annual event, or even make it a permenent bank holiday

its the fecking lunatics that believe in it that want burning

talkinh about bring heat on themselves .Cant see what good it will do or what it will achieve.Dont ever remember a war being won by burning books

did he win the war by burning books?


didnt adolf start burning books then he moved to ppl


no he didnt win the war,he was an incompetent military tacticion

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talkinh about bring heat on themselves .Cant see what good it will do or what it will achieve.Dont ever remember a war being won by burning books

did he win the war by burning books?


didnt adolf start burning books then he moved to ppl


no he didnt win the war,he was an incompetent military tacticion


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you been watching indiana jones?


who me?


if you are refering to that quote it was Ghandi that said that and he wasnt referring to hitler

and!!! the word ghandi means nothing to me (and nor do's hitler)


wasnt talking to you/and maybe you should read a book then you would have better grasp of the world

no dissy intended btw

Edited by scothunter
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you been watching indiana jones?


who me?


if you are refering to that quote it was Ghandi that said that and he wasnt referring to hitler

and!!! the word ghandi means nothing to me (and nor do's hitler)


wasnt talking to you/and maybe you should read a book then you would have better grasp of the world

no dissy intended btw

sorry scot did'nt mean to offend you my fault for mis reading the reply's not as thick as you think :thumbs:

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you been watching indiana jones?


who me?


if you are refering to that quote it was Ghandi that said that and he wasnt referring to hitler

and!!! the word ghandi means nothing to me (and nor do's hitler)


wasnt talking to you/and maybe you should read a book then you would have better grasp of the world

no dissy intended btw

sorry scot did'nt mean to offend you my fault for mis reading the reply's not as thick as you think :thumbs:


no worries mate i apologise aswell :thumbs:

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you been watching indiana jones?


who me?


if you are refering to that quote it was Ghandi that said that and he wasnt referring to hitler

and!!! the word ghandi means nothing to me (and nor do's hitler)


wasnt talking to you/and maybe you should read a book then you would have better grasp of the world

no dissy intended btw

sorry scot did'nt mean to offend you my fault for mis reading the reply's not as thick as you think :thumbs:


no worries mate i apologise aswell :thumbs:

aww,you two :icon_redface: :kiss:

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