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burn the koran

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go and fight a war for oil? I respect those in the army n wish they would get more from others. Thing is you come back and the terrorists earn more by claiming benefits than your wage. Not only that b

Burn a lorry load, and chuck some spuds on the fire, a few beers, some firworks, it could be a really good night, perhaps it could become an annual event, or even make it a permenent bank holiday

its the fecking lunatics that believe in it that want burning

i'm all for it but i understand there will be repocusions but when they burn union jacks or stars and stripes we are told to ignore it!!!!




i don't see whats to gain from it,,, if burning a book makes you fell like you have thought your enimies a lesson you are a fool in my opinion, what is the point of it apart from insulting a whole religion (sorry i just answered my own question :doh::doh:

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just think they are makin a stand in the only way they know how cos if you turn to the streets to voice your opinion in any country you are classed as a racist.


realisticly mate, if you don't want to be seen as a racist probably not the best to burn the object of someones worship

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he wont do it in the end, he will use an excuse to back out, it is all a stunt to get more people in his church:thumbs:


i thought it ironic though , that muslims in afganistan were already burning pictures of him:blink:

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talkinh about bring heat on themselves .Cant see what good it will do or what it will achieve.Dont ever remember a war being won by burning books

quite right and thats the problem when we protest we are angsts by our own but if they do the same we are meant to ignore it(in our own country)but if you are comparing this to the comare rouge(excuse the spelling)you are well wrong

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talkinh about bring heat on themselves .Cant see what good it will do or what it will achieve.Dont ever remember a war being won by burning books

did he win the war by burning books?


didnt adolf start burning books then he moved to ppl

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