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After a long teadious day archiving many of my CD's onto a portable hard drive along with other more stressful events of the day I decided I needed a break and needed to go let of a bit of steam.


My new charger had arrived in the morning, along with a bunch of spare batteries so I now had something to get my lamp working again. A visit to the Cemetery was in order me thinks, grabbed my gun, my dpm and off I went.


Pellets in pocket gun in slip I set off walking :boogie:


My wife had seen 4 Police cars parked on the corner of our street half hour earlier and I wondered what they were up to. By the time I got to the corner they had all gone. I saw one pull into the police station car park about 150 yards away but that was it.

As it turns out, it was a bloody good job that they HAD all gone or I could have been up the creyke without a paddle :icon_redface:


I had passed a few people that had given me sort of funny looks including a couple of the regulars that live on the main road that know me :blink: Why nobody mentioned it I don't know :hmm:


Crossing the road, I went through the Hocky/Football pitch noticing 16 bunnies just sat there like they owned the place. Of course I've no permission there, so they don't even bother to make an escape, they just hop a few yards and then settle down again (one day!!!)


As I walked through into the field at the side of the cricket club I swapped the gun slip from my left had to my right one when I noticed the slip was not fastend and the butt of the gun was clearly visible to everyone :oops:

At first I though that the Zipper had failed, but upon closer inspection I saw that I had not actually fastened it up again after putting my baby back into her case :doh: You stupid F :censored: ker I called myself as I zipped it up correctly. Only a few minutes ago I had just walked past the police station, with a couple of officers who I did not recognise stood in the car park. I could have been in serious bother :doh:

Note to self (and a reminder of the obvious for others) KEEP IT FASTENED when in public!!

Upon arrival at the paddock, I went into the field noticing the dozens of bunnies at the far corner "looks like a good day's winter sniping" I thought as I headed over to the part of the fence I climb through into the cemetery.


As I climbed trough I took my baby out of the case and slipped her a 16grain pellet, checking the position of the dial in turrets and that the paralax was set for 30 yards I made my way through the cemetery. I had a feeling it was going to be uneventful until after dark.

Made my way to the new section where I reached in my pocket and found I had not brought any targets to check Zero!

I do have faith that my scope keeps its zero but its always nice to check; as well as being a more than worthwhile excorcise.

So I wandered the 30 yards over to the corner, where they put the excess soil. Picked a small stone up and placed it in the soil.

Wandered back took up my position and loosed of the pellet I heard it crack as the stone vanished into the soil. Well its close enough I thought, but wasn't happy I didnt see exactly where the pellet hit. Over to the soil part I went again and picked up a bit of broken rock, this should leave a mark on the rock I thought. Over again, took the next shot and "PHATOOOOON!" That classic Western Movie ricochet sound rang in my lugs. Bugger, still don't know exactly where it hit!

So over again, this time I saw a plant ID Tag, one of those plastic sticks that you put into compost. That'll do I'll use that.

Planted that into the soil in front of the pile and returned to the gun.

Loaded the gun, took aim, let off the shot and immediately saw the black hole appear in the white tag. Directly centred on my crosshair. PERFECTION. One more shot saw the hole increase in size a little. Excellent :D


It then started drizzling for the next hour or so, so after a meander around the old section I went and sat back on the bench until it stopped. Long after dark I heard a "Panting" behind me. This time of night the street behind me is deserted, or at least it should be! Turns out it was a dog, I don't know who was more surprised me ot it, but it legged it and left me on edge for awhile.

The next part of the story can be found on Rushty's "Anything Odd Happened" thread :11:


I'd had a few more wanders around, but saw nothing, the rain had stopped and the air was perfectly still. On the last wander round, my lamp picked out a Jewel about 40 yards away, given its position next to the fence it had probably just left bunnyland.


As I watched it through the scope, it came hopping towards me. I increased the mad to 10x and pressed the stock mounted switch that stopped the bunny in its tracks! I didn't have the filter on and I was suprised to see the bunny sit bolt upright lifting its front paws of the ground. A fraction of a second later as I exhaled then held my breath, for a standing shot, I squeezed the trigger gently and as I heard the distinct sound of lead meeting bone at high speed, bugs lept into the air landing with a dull thud.

I rushed over to find this :victory:



Turned her over and as you can see the pellet went in and decimated the brain. Nice shot under the lamp me thinks :victory:




Edited by Phantom
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  On 09/09/2010 at 19:03, ArchieHood said:

Well worth the trip out then mate :thumbs: Just cant seem to get out these days :no: Think I need a weekend off :yes: What do you reckon :hmm:


Yeah :yes: We all need time to shoot Archie :yes: Well not t shoot Archie, just to shoot :11:


I was hoping to bag a few more, but at least she will feed the ferrets :gunsmilie:



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Hiya Tony.


Nice shot mate, and good post, enjoyed the read :thumbs:

Nice grub for the litlun's :yes: they must be getting quite big now.....How about some pic's bud??


You realy must control your urges me dear, walking around unzipped and exposing your butt will get you into trouble :tongue2::laugh:



Have a slut mate.....good read :thumbs:





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  On 09/09/2010 at 19:26, Sweeney-Todd said:

Hiya Tony.


Nice shot mate, and good post, enjoyed the read :thumbs:

Nice grub for the litlun's :yes: they must be getting quite big now.....How about some pic's bud??



Hi Bill if I can get em to stay still for a 250th of a second I'll get some up you know where.

But they are so ruddy fast its hard to get the camera to focus on them!

After being "pleasured" by the Cat, Zeus decided to leg it into the neighbours garden. Its a good job he come running when I call him aint it?


  On 09/09/2010 at 19:26, Sweeney-Todd said:

You realy must control your urges me dear, walking around unzipped and exposing your butt will get you into trouble :tongue2::laugh:



Have a slut mate.....good read :thumbs:






:icon_eek::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Thank you Bill



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cheers tony i enjoyed the little write up mate good to see the results of a good standing shot (i hate them )lol me and wor kid are looking at getting out tonight if the rain stops (having said that rain doesnt normally stop us lol and wor kid needs all the practice he can get now the girls are shooting lol


atb gary

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