HUnter_zero 58 Posted September 12, 2010 Report Share Posted September 12, 2010 (edited) I'm in the same tub. My current insurance is with Sporting insurance services (bluefin), which has paid out when needed and has always been good value for money. However they have just changed the rules. I have always paid by direct debt, £7.50 a month. However Bluefin has stopped that now unless your are paying them £15 per month. The insurance covers all guns and equipment,5m PL, 20k PI and the premium goes up in proportion with the amount insured. So for example if you have ten guns insured for £100 each your premium would be £6 per month, twenty guns £12 per month. The change of rules means (to my mind) they do not value policies under £180, so stuff them is what I say and I'll take insurance out with another company. I have communicated with the guy who runs Country cover and basically it's a syndicate insurance, by paying your money you become a member and are covered. Much the same with the BASC, SACS, NGO, NRA, CPSA and all the rest of the organisations. So, if you are planning on joining an organisation just for the insurance cover but don't want to spend the dosh, Country cover are the way to go. I think the important thing to think about is 'do you want to be covered by an ACTUAL insurance policy or be covered by someone else's ACTUAL insurance policy'. For example, the admin of THL could take out a syndicate insurance policy and offer it to the members of THL at "x" amount per year. The cover and quality of cover would be exactly the same as you would get in any of the membership packages with any of the shooting organisations. The question I keep asking myself is "would I insurance my home in this way". The problem I have with all this is that when I want insurance, I want to be sure that if things go wrong, I am covered and there are so many cons out there it's a mine field. To be blunt, I purchase insurance to protect my interests, not to worry about the long term security of shooting, or adding to the next Young shots awards or the ecology of some grouse moor that I'll never visit or to put fuel in to the MD's jag. No, I buy insurance to protect ME. This started out as a short post but I have to point this out as in my opinion it's a rip off. Take your house insurance for example, over the years I have noticed how sketchy the insurance companies are when they ask how much is the rebuild costs and they normally suggest £100k is about average rebuild for houses in the UK, so like sheep we all go with that, I know I did and a few of my mates did as well. So, one day you get home to find that your house has burned to the ground. Apart from the obvious horror, after a cuppa tea and a sit down, your logical side tells you that "hey, you can have a new house built, you have £100k insurance on this place!". Well let me tell you, that's not going to happen. The insurance company will come out, make safe the site (£10k), if your semi-detached make safe and repair next door (smoke damage, new roof etc etc etc) (£35k) and then they will look at you. Right, after their experts have worked out the actual cost of a rebuild, the actual cost is £105k, so they will now subtract £10k + £35k + £5k from the £100k, leaving you with £50k to rebuild your home, Right? WRONG, they will then say you were under insured by £50k and they will subtract directly your under insured sum which means you will get NOTHING! Check it out with your insurance supplier. It's for these reasons when I buy insurance, I want to buy the best product I can because insurance is one of these things you don't use until you REALLY need it, and if what you have purchased is crap, then is not the time to find out! My home has blanket insurance, all costs, all risks and no excuses. How much extra did I pay? £2.99p Am I thinking too hard about the subject of insurance? As the Mrs said the other day "John, you have everything insured", I guess I do. John Edited September 12, 2010 by HUnter_zero Quote Link to post
David BASC 0 Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 Good afternoon all, As with anything you get what you pay for! All the shooting organisations do more then just offer insurance cover, to be honest if it was not for organisational like BASC shooting sports would be in a real mess! I am not saying BASC should take all the credit! The other orgs do their bit, but BASC has the largest resources so we can do more, that’s all. As to insurance, all I can say is check the small print! There are some liability policies out there offered by ‘shooting organisations’ that when it comes to a claim will NOT pay out if you have ANY other liability policy in place… a nasty surprise when your shooting org turns away from you eh? But the important thing is everyone how goes shooting should support at least one of the organisations out there- after all there are loads, so there is no excuse not to be a member of something! So support the organisation or organisations that you think are best placed to help and support you and your sport. Best wishes David Quote Link to post
IanB 0 Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 The problem is theres that much variation available regarding the different supporting bodies and the costs involved.... I suppose its all down to choice, cover and what people can comfortably afford. In an ideal world there would be one organisation covering every fieldsport and supporting them through there different means.. I chose BASC myself as I think they offer the best support for shooting in general and insurance... Others I know went with the NGO... Quote Link to post
chimp 299 Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 ive just copied and paste the yearly email my insurers send me: Going Shooting? Hunting? Fishing? Welcome to Country Cover Club - C3 Become a C3 member NOW, buy online and you are entitled to all the benefits, discounts, and your members insurance is effective immediately, TODAY Get covered for any mishap, accident or possible damage to others - ESSENTIAL in this litigious world! Our New Enhanced Cover now provides £10 million public liability cover! The BEST VALUE cover in the Market - just ask any Meerkat! COUNTRY COVER CARD £19-95 p.a. Buy here CCC3 Homepage Six month £12-95 term also available - see options on payment page: Buy here CCC3 HomePage Principal benefits: Overseas travel terms available - see options on payment page: Online store discounts at participating vendors Supplier and venue privileges £10m Country Sports Public Liability cover in the UK £10k Person accident cover Daily hospital benefit Public liability defense legal benefits All offers subject to membership schedule, payment of membership fees, and master insurance policy details. Buy here CCC3 HomePage At just £19.95, can you afford to NOT have it ?!? Best Value Cover - for Hunting, Shooting, Fishing and Country Activities - Sports Quote Link to post
WILF 48,100 Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 Despite having my reservations about the organisation, I went with the C.A. as they cover you for ALL field sports (including lurcher and terrierwork) Any legal fieldsports activity is pretty much I think the BASC attitude towards Lurcher owners in general stinks!! Much too heavily swayed to shooting (I understand they are primarily a shooting organisation before anyone says it!) but they seem happy to help in the persacution of other fieldsports if it means no one looks too hard at shooting. I may be totally wrong, but that is my perseption of them.....and they are VERY expensive for the limited cover they offer. Quote Link to post
David BASC 0 Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 (edited) Hi, Not sure why you think BASC has anything against lurchers? Agreed we do not cover them in the mag, nor do we have any lurcher experts in BASC but the BASC insurance covers lurcher work and terrier work as well as fishing, falconry etc. We do not cover hunting with hounds or horse work though which the CA policy does of course. Nor would we ever target another fieldsport, indeed BASC spent loads and loads of money supporting the CA during the hunting debate, we are currently working closely with the Angling Trust, and just last week I was asking a member of the National Terrier Working Fed to see if anyone would like to write a bit for S&C on terrier work. In the most recent issue of Shooting & Conservation we carried a feature on hunting, all be it a gun pack. If any non member would like a copy of the most recent mag, just pop me an e-mail at and I will be happy to send on to you free of charge But as you say, BASC is first and more importantly a shooting organization. The cost of the insurance within the BASC package in £10 by the way, the rest is spent on a variety of projects which are ultimately aimed at ensuring shooters have: Something to shoot with Something to shoot at Somewhere to shoot. Cheap insurance is all well and good (subject to policy restrictions of course!) but does it help keep shooting safe? Which of the cheap insurance companies went live on TV defending shooting the day of the Cumbria tragedy for example? Where were the cheap insurance offerings today when the Home Affairs Select Committee were taking oral evidence on the future of firearms legislation? Did any of the cheap insurance companies lobby to support shooters rights on coastal access? I could go on, but perhaps you see my point? Yes we are more expensive than the NGO or the CA, but then again we offer a different package, but I fully accept not everyone will want to be a BASC member! BUT the important thing is that shooters join something, so they are insured and they are helping to support their sport. What really get me mad are those who sit back join nothing, but are so quick to bitch and moan if any part of shooting comes under attack, its easy to sit on the side lines and shout, not so easy to play on the pitch eh? David Edited September 14, 2010 by David BASC Quote Link to post
elpc69 0 Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 I have to admit I feel safer being a full BASC member than the NGO, CA and BASA which I'm also a member of, they just seem to be better organized and more professional than the others, plus they have all the support numbers. But like someone else said, BASC should cover more areas in there mag, oh and the northwest! Last time I rang the NGO it sounded like it was just someones wife answering the house phone which doubles as there memebers number. I thought I had the wrong number, I was expecting her to say her husband's having a afternoon nap can you phone back, albeit that was over a year ago. BASA I just forgot about them until i cancelled the direct debit. I've cancelled the renewal on them all apart from BASC, I've been a member of BASC for around 6 years now. Quote Link to post
fatboy 0 Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 BASC all the way for me,when i had a problem,i rang them and they gave great advice,and talked to the police on my behalf,problem was sorted very efficiently. They may cost a couple of quid more,but i think it is worth every penny.And if you break it down to a monthly figure it's not that much,the cost of a big breakfast Quote Link to post
events co-ordinator 353 Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 Why doesnt one of the BASC experts on Terrier work do an article in they'r mag and tell us all how to do it. Quote Link to post
WILF 48,100 Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 David, as I said I may be wrong but that is my perception.......maybe your P.R. people are not doing their job very well. It would be nice to see a more positive slant from the shooting press and organisations with regards to lurchers and also a bit more about terriers because as you say, you have the ear of the right people in power Quote Link to post
elpc69 0 Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 David, as I said I may be wrong but that is my perception.......maybe your P.R. people are not doing their job very well. It would be nice to see a more positive slant from the shooting press and organisations with regards to lurchers and also a bit more about terriers because as you say, you have the ear of the right people in power Quote Link to post
David BASC 0 Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Hi, Yep fair point, I think it is always interesting and useful to see other features in the mag other than just shooting. After all, it is very important in England & Wales that terriers can still be used to flush fox to protect game, something that BASC campaigned on vigorously when the hunting Bill was going through parliament. So I will do what I can to get a piece in S&C next year- I have already spoken about it with one of our Gamekeeping officers, we also have a terrier code of practice if anyone’s interested called 'Use of a Dog Below Ground in England and Wales' its in the codes of practice section on the BASC web site This is not intended to ‘teach grandma to suck eggs’ but simply to help make sure peoplep are aware of the law. The only way to learn terrier work, in my opinion, is to go out and do it, get someone to show you the ropes. As I say, at BASC we will always try to do our very best for our members and for shooting, that’s what we are all about. If you support BASC’s objectives and want to help us keep up delivery on them, then please join BASC! My best to all David Quote Link to post
Barrie 1,325 Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 (edited) .... just last week I was asking a member of the National Terrier Working Fed to see if anyone would like to write a bit for S&C on terrier work..... David Hi David No offence, but I'm not aware of any such formal request. Which leaves me wondering just how familiar either yourself, or BASC (if you're an employee or official spokesperson) are with the NWTF, its structure and organisation, or terrierwork in general. I repeat no offence intended, but I would hate anyone to be left with a false impression, particularly when no such article appeared. ....Cheap insurance is all well and good (subject to policy restrictions of course!) but does it help keep shooting safe? Which of the cheap insurance companies went live on TV defending shooting the day of the Cumbria tragedy for example? Where were the cheap insurance offerings today when the Home Affairs Select Committee were taking oral evidence on the future of firearms legislation? Did any of the cheap insurance companies lobby to support shooters rights on coastal access?.... David I agree 100% . It's unrealistic and very short sighted of anyone to ignore the politics of the modern day world we live in. There's no point in having insurance (regardless of cost) when your chosen pastime, whatever that may be, is banned. It's a matter of individual choice which organisation(s) one supports, but personally I would much rather spend my hard earned pennies with ANY organisation which will help safeguard the future of my chosen sports, rather than with some faceless and uncaring insurance company. Kindest Regards - Barrie Edited September 15, 2010 by Barrie Quote Link to post
David BASC 0 Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Good morning Barrie, Yes I am an employee of BASC, David Ilsley is my name and I have worked for BASC for 15 years – member for about 20. Office e-mail is No offence taken I can assure you! To be honest it was via an exchange on another forum with a chap who i took to be from, or at the very lease a member of the NWTF as he claimed to have been at the centre of lobbying for terriers in E&W and Scotland I am aware of the NWTF from what I have seen on the web but would not pretend to be an expert on terriers! However, BASC has an active interest not lease of all because terrier men are very important to many of our gamekeepers members, and other members running shoots small and large to help control fox – hence our lobbying a few years back I know you guys are understandably close to the CA, and don’t want to tread on any toes, but just thought an article on the NWTF, the current law on terrier work etc would be good, plus possible a call to action in the article that anyone wanting the use of terrier men could contact the NWTF? Anyway, who would be the best person for me to contact? Daivd Quote Link to post
Barrie 1,325 Posted September 15, 2010 Report Share Posted September 15, 2010 Good morning Barrie, Yes I am an employee of BASC, David Ilsley is my name and I have worked for BASC for 15 years – member for about 20. Office e-mail is No offence taken I can assure you! To be honest it was via an exchange on another forum with a chap who i took to be from, or at the very lease a member of the NWTF as he claimed to have been at the centre of lobbying for terriers in E&W and Scotland I am aware of the NWTF from what I have seen on the web but would not pretend to be an expert on terriers! However, BASC has an active interest not lease of all because terrier men are very important to many of our gamekeepers members, and other members running shoots small and large to help control fox – hence our lobbying a few years back I know you guys are understandably close to the CA, and don’t want to tread on any toes, but just thought an article on the NWTF, the current law on terrier work etc would be good, plus possible a call to action in the article that anyone wanting the use of terrier men could contact the NWTF? Anyway, who would be the best person for me to contact? Daivd Hi David You may perceive the NWTF as being "close to the CA", and I suspect that may in part be due to the fact that our stand is often seen at Game Fairs/Shows as part of the CA’s main display. The reason for our presence is that some 15 plus years ago the CA (which has always in my experience given a considerable amount of practical and other support to terrierwork and the independent/freelance terrierman) approached us and invited us to be there in order to ensure terrierwork was/is fully and properly represented. That arrangement still continues today. I’ve been actively involved with the NWTF since it was first formed in 1984 and have been Chairman for the past 16 years. Throughout the whole of that time the only other organisation to have made such an approach is the Union of Country Sports Workers. An identical situation also exists with regard to lurchers, and anyone who cares to visit the CA stand at the Midland Game Fair this coming weekend will find both terriers and lurchers in attendance, along with ferrets, falcons etc. The NWTF has always worked closely with a wide variety of field sports and other similarly related organisations, and continues to do so. For such relationship to prosper and succeed they must be based on mutual trust, 100% openness and total honesty. On that basis alone I cannot fault the CA. I am not an employee of the CA, nor do I receive any form of remuneration from them and neither does the NWTF. I’m simply a fully paid up member who cares about working terriers and terrierwork more than most other things in my life (as my wife constantly reminds me). I also have the benefit of having been at the sharp end of defending terrierwork longer than most and have got to point where I judge people and organisations on what they do, rather than what they say, and feel able to do so in a completely unbiased and relatively informed manner. Please feel free to contact me anytime, I'll PM you my details. And my apologies to everyone for taking up so much space, on what is essentially a shooting forum . Kindest Regards - Barrie Quote Link to post
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