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pup running past on retrieve

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a while ago my pup was retrieving around 50% of the time to hand,then she stopped for about 10 days,she was teething at the time and her gums were pretty sore looking,so i put it down to this,she is now retrieving well but has started running past me and dropping the dummy or ball about 10-12 feet behind me,she drops the dummy or ball and stands/lies down and waits for me to pick it up,should i be looking for her to retrieve to hand or am i expecting to much and should be happy with her as it is,or will she eventually bring back to hand,i have never had a lurcher before so any advice is most welcome,she is 5 1/2 mths old and is 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy,the rest of her training is spot on,sit,stay and recall are all good,cheers......john

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a while ago my pup was retrieving around 50% of the time to hand,then she stopped for about 10 days,she was teething at the time and her gums were pretty sore looking,so i put it down to this,she is now retrieving well but has started running past me and dropping the dummy or ball about 10-12 feet behind me,she drops the dummy or ball and stands/lies down and waits for me to pick it up,should i be looking for her to retrieve to hand or am i expecting to much and should be happy with her as it is,or will she eventually bring back to hand,i have never had a lurcher before so any advice is most welcome,she is 5 1/2 mths old and is 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy,the rest of her training is spot on,sit,stay and recall are all good,cheers......john

as the dog gets up to you try running backwards a bit so it has to come to you or stand with your back to a wall so it cant run past you dont over do the retrieving training as the dog may get bored keep it an exciting game. hope this helps if not post again. atb steve

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do it somewhere the dog cant get past you and like steve says take your time

was only doing this 3 x a day,i run around a bit with the dummy attached to her lead letting her chase and catch,let her tug it a little bit then i throw it for her,this is when she runs back and past me,i'm doing this in an open field,so maybe i should find somewhere a little less open,will give it a try today(if the rain will stop)let you know how i get on,cheers......john :thumbs:

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am teaching my pup down the side of house and fence its about 4feet wide with a pair of old socks with a tennis ball inside, once a day will give it a few months then try out in the open.


Good luck with yours, an old lurcherman once told me its like feeding when your fishing little and often :thumbs: ATB

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this is just my advice mate which has always served me well. stop right where you are and go right back to the basics weather you do it in the halway of your house or the alley wherever you started her retrieve go back 2 and start it all again it will do your head in and will be a constant pain but it will pay off it the evd and it is good to go where your dog cant get past you hope you suss it out and you have a dog what serves you well atb stewie

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this is just my advice mate which has always served me well. stop right where you are and go right back to the basics weather you do it in the halway of your house or the alley wherever you started her retrieve go back 2 and start it all again it will do your head in and will be a constant pain but it will pay off it the evd and it is good to go where your dog cant get past you hope you suss it out and you have a dog what serves you well atb stewie

thanks stewie,had her out today before i read your post, stuffed a rabbit skin with straw and what a difference it made threw 4 times and she retrieved to hand 4 times,1st throw she ran out,grabbed dummy and gave it a bit of a rag and brought it back,2nd throw she ran out past it,had a sniff around for about 30 seconds,then on way back picked up dummy and brought it back to hand,3rd + 4th throw she ran out and brought it straight back,i had to stuff the dummy in my jacket after that as she was mad to get at it,jumping up at me trying to grab it,was happy with that today,onwards and upwards,cheers......john :thumbs:

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