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scottish mountain hares in danger

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people who run dogs act like they own the f*cking hares :wallbash:

is anyone stupid enough to think the sun is a non fiction paper


whats wrong with shooting them, like the ones below


Children with guns . . . . :thumbdown:

beat me to it mate :thumbs:


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shooters dont brag about their kills.is that what your saying? dont kid yourself mate.oh and i have no probs with shooters.but to say you have more respect for your quarry than anyone else is pretty

people who run dogs act like they own the f*cking hares is anyone stupid enough to think the sun is a non fiction paper   whats wrong with shooting them, like the ones below

the problem is that the majority of people on here see the hare as the ultimate survival expert,using speed,brains,agility and stamina to outwit and in some cases outrun its predator and imo all thes

thought someone would cry about it, cant see your problem

at least when i go hunting i do it legally and dont drive across other peoples land and show the sport in a bad light

I have nothing against coursing but dicks that think they own hares

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come on then whats the problem

the problem is that the majority of people on here see the hare as the ultimate survival expert,using speed,brains,agility and stamina to outwit and in some cases outrun its predator :notworthy: and imo all these attributes should be used to in order to catch 1,they dont deserve shooting :censored:

any kunt can shoot a gun but its a bit harder turning a pup into a hare catching dog :thumbs:

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come on then whats the problem


any kunt can shoot a gun but its a bit harder turning a pup into a hare catching dog :thumbs:


No they can't...... only people with an FAC or SGC can :feck:


where is the skill in buying a dog and letting it off the lead :whistling:


Each to his own mate, you obviously have no idea about shooting and I have no idea about dogs...... so change the record mate .:bye:

Edited by dave1372
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its the dogs skill not yours, some of the pictures i've seen on here would suggest that quarry taken is not treated with respect, shooters dont brag about the amount of hares they have killed and the last time i shot a hare was last year when i took 1 and there are plenty where i am that dont get touched, i took them for the pot rather than for fun like others :thumbdown:



i'm still to hear you back up your statements

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its the dogs skill not yours, some of the pictures i've seen on here would suggest that quarry taken is not treated with respect, shooters dont brag about the amount of hares they have killed and the last time i shot a hare was last year when i took 1 and there are plenty where i am that dont get touched, i took them for the pot rather than for fun like others :thumbdown:



i'm still to hear you back up your statements


shooters dont brag about their kills.is that what your saying?

dont kid yourself mate.oh and i have no probs with shooters.but to say you have more respect for your quarry than anyone else is pretty arrogant.having said that to go out and shoot a shit load of hares for the sole purpose in protecting grouse imo isnt showing respect for anything.

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its the dogs skill not yours, some of the pictures i've seen on here would suggest that quarry taken is not treated with respect, shooters dont brag about the amount of hares they have killed and the last time i shot a hare was last year when i took 1 and there are plenty where i am that dont get touched, i took them for the pot rather than for fun like others :thumbdown:



i'm still to hear you back up your statements


shooters dont brag about their kills.is that what your saying?

dont kid yourself mate.oh and i have no probs with shooters.but to say you have more respect for your quarry than anyone else is pretty arrogant.having said that to go out and shoot a shit load of hares for the sole purpose in protecting grouse imo isnt showing respect for anything.


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mainly aimed at ideation as it was his stupid remark, and craig for the statement they dont deserve shooting.

shooters dont brag about how many hares they shoot if they shoot any, unlike how many hares in day light 5 out of 5.


and i'm still waiting for a reason why you shouldnt shoot hares and craig not some long winded bullsh*t,

i take it no one will answer because they know its bullsh*t

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mainly aimed at ideation as it was his stupid remark, and craig for the statement they dont deserve shooting.

shooters dont brag about how many hares they shoot if they shoot any, unlike how many hares in day light 5 out of 5.


and i'm still waiting for a reason why you shouldnt shoot hares and craig not some long winded bullsh*t,

i take it no one will answer because they know its bullsh*t


i really dont think you can spesak for the whole of the shooting community by saying they do not brag.all you need to do is check old posts.


dont think craig or idealation were saying you cant shoot them,thats just you guessing.they are talking of the numbers shot and the sole reason that they carry tics and endanger their precious birds,which incidentally taste like f*****g heather. :sick:.

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Although I agree with what you are saying mate, it is not just grouse that are affected.


Louping ill and the effects of a large tick burden also affect all waders, moorland birds and small mammals.

Louping ill is also carried by sheep and as such can have devastating effect on their livelyhood if it is found to be present.


Work is being carried out by the organisation I work for and hopefully there will be a way of resolving the problem without letting it go too far

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Im not a shooting person myself but each to there own im not fussed at all! Them things aren't much of a match for a dog,your lucky if they are as good as a rabbit,im not bothered about running hare's pre ban or now but from my experience the brown hare is competitive for a dog unlike these ones!

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