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barbed wire

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i was hoping over a old barbed fence one time while walking the dog, the type that had been there for years. anyway just got my hand on the post and one leg on the wire going to jump over when the wire snapped :o luckily i managed to shift my weight over the fence to avoid having my bollocks caught up so only ended up with the wire catching me on the inside of my leg. bled a bit but reading some of the replys think i got off lightly.

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Here's a picture of my lurcher Jet after he caught himself on barbed wire while the rabbit went straight under!! We were away from home at the time so had to find a local vet - 200 quid and a load of stitches later this was how he looked. He never made a sound either at the vets or when he hit the wire, poor dog.

Don't get us started on barbed wire - we hate the stuff, whoever invented it should be shot.







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just back from vets.... my bitch was havin a run tonight, she clipped some old wire and cut the artery and vein in her front leg... f##k me i shit my pants, was real worried, driving and trying to put preasure on her wound was a bit tricky, vet called and met him at the surgery... all is well and good now, touch wood... wish i had been carrieing a bandage of some kind, wont go out with out one again.... any way id better get off my arse and go try to clean the car up best i can :blink::cry:

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Guest game'dogs
One of the estates we run on has miles of it and its electrifyed on a mains curcuit. :censored:

Im surprised more of you dont stitch your own dogs though :hmm: .Barbed wire is usually the cleanest cut of them all.


rusty barbed wire a clean cut :hmm: and electrifyed on a mains curcuit :hmm: ime going to say no more :whistle: :laugh::laugh::D

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av had a few bad experiances with barbed wire, a month or so back me dog got caught up in some and it severed his knackers which cost 380 quid. and a few years back whilst out lamping another dog of mine chased a rabbitt under a barbed wire fence and killed himself out right on closer inspection the dog had a tiny hole on his muzzle were the wire had stuck in and this some how had caused him to break his neck.

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I find that where barbed wire has been put up it gets left there, even when its not longer needed: round the common land where I exercise( :whistle: ) my dogs there is no end of old barbed wire fences: it used to be farmland before there were gravel pits, and now it is mostly nature reserves and fishing lakes the same old barbed wire is still there: rusting, sagging, in loops etc: deadly dangerous to running dogs. The worst was when 3 dogs went through the same piece of sagging wire at speed after something: result? One broken tail, one torn back, one ripped leg: cost us a fortune at the vet's. :censored: On the plus side, my dogs are so used to wire that 99% of the time they jump over, slide through or under it: it does make them careful most of the time once they've run into it as little pups when they aren't going fast enough to cause damage.
Very good point Sky Cat pups usually dont come off too bad ,and they learn early about this detestable stuff,Im in Kent ,its riddled with the stuff lazy stock keeping in many cases especially around horses,and as has been said on here it gets left to be a hazard forever,cost me a few bob over the years.Inan
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My lurcher was lucky not to lose an eye because of barbed wire recently :no: She chased a rabbit into a fence covered in barbed wire, and because her head was down to strike she ripped the middle of her head right between her eyes. Its all scabbed over and healing now, but she was very lucky it missed her eyes :cry:


Wonder what the new animal welfare bill has to say about farmers using barbed wire! :hmm:

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Guest alastair

farmers are very untidy people,leave allsorts of shit every were,one farm i go on is like a bomb site,old scrap ,barbed gates ,old string,but luckily the best ground i do the farmer is spot on ,its clean as could be.im going to ask the farmer to remove a old dumped disc thing soon,its a death trap,just need to find the right words to ask :rofl:

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