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took the AAS410K .22


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Hi every one

Popped over to the business park last night about 7:30pm to have a look around.

On my first drive around I didn’t see much activity, apart from a lone pigeon

Which walked its way into an AAF 16gr and that was the end of its messing up the flag poles.


Then I sat up in the civic at a sniping point of mine for a while! And two bunnies came out, but they were to far away for a shot. So I waited about an hour and I was just beginning to loose the light, but could still see well through the scope. And one popped out at 67yds well out of reach, and then it started coming my way! So on goes the scopecam and rested the rifle on the top of passenger seat, which I previously removed the head rest and it fits perfect!


It kept edging its way towards me and I kept a keen eye on it through my guntuff range finder, and was clicking it every time it took a few hops 60yds, 58yds, 52yds, last click 47yds this is where it relaxed and started to graze on grass, and as the light was going fast this was my opportunity to bag it. But as you will see it wasn’t straight forward because it would not keep its freaking head still! But with patience I got it.


Here is the footage



As the night went on I had another 3 but only found two of them

Sorry! About quality of pics its crap, this other phone im using at the moment!


47yd where it fell!




And the other, where it fell!





Group photo







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Davy, Davy, Davy;


You said it was quite a good shot, you underestimate yourself way too much Davy :yes:


That was a cracking demonstaration of your Marksmanship.

"Quite a good un! "

yeah right" it was nothing short than a first class bloody

" AWSoME Shot!!!"

Made harder still by the aiming via an LCD Camera screen :yes:

what more can be said other than

We are most deffinately






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