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how to learn my pup to jump?? help please

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just wonderd if anybody could give me any tips and at what age and how i go about learning my pup to start jumping as ive never tryed to learn a lurcher before shes now 6 1/2 months


very easy, where ever you keep it put some strips of wood across its kennelor run.So when it as got come out ie hop over them .Dont put it to high.2ft is plenty to start with, when the pup is happy with that, go just a bit higher. A 5 bar gate is plenty high enough, when they can jump when full grown. :thumbs:



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mine is about the same age as yours. i just started on sheep wire that was small once or twice an then just moved him on to wire that was higher, took to it no bother. he just seemed to know what to to. the fence hes jumping now is about 3 or 4 ft high so i think i'll just keep him on that for a wile before anything bigger.

Edited by caol_an
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cracking pics bird, i think the pup is too young at 6.5 months old wait till hes 8 or 9months and then start with jumping i started mine off in kids playgrounds where the metal bars are about 3 feet height it took no more than a week and they were jumping like mad , low sheep netting is another so the dog cant cut himself. and like anything keep at it and enjoy mate

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this is how i would do it,start low and work it up to the top .pup 7 months old



That dog looks as though he is really having fun there! Running off with the prize as well.........my pup does that too :laugh:


I think when a dog is young and his bones are still growing, it is best to keep jumping sessions short and fun so as not to injure or bore the dog. Half a dozen small jumps in one session is plenty.......once he learns the jump command he won't forget, so in time you can build up on the height and numbers he is asked to jump as he matures.

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