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Win a bottle of Whisky(ey) and a magazine subscription

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post-35212-042113400 1283338112_thumb.jpgpost-35212-083157100 1283338135_thumb.jpgOn a lighter note on the Birr Fair a photogtaphic competition for a bottle of Whiskey( Whisky) and a year's subscription to the Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine to the best /funniest photograph taken at Birr .


I will start you off with two based on Foxgun Tom's well known penchant for letting lesser mortals be photographed with him.


Firstly with carraghgem and secondly with our host Lord Rosse.

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post-35212-042113400 1283338112_thumb.jpgpost-35212-083157100 1283338135_thumb.jpgOn a lighter note on the Birr Fair a photogtaphic competition for a bottle of Whiskey( Whisky) and a year's subscription to the Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine to the best /funniest photograph taken at Birr .


I will start you off with two based on Foxgun Tom's well known penchant for letting lesser mortals be photographed with him.


Firstly with carraghgem and secondly with our host Lord Rosse.


i can see bluebell + k9delboy being contenders for a start :yes:

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post-35212-042113400 1283338112_thumb.jpgpost-35212-083157100 1283338135_thumb.jpgOn a lighter note on the Birr Fair a photogtaphic competition for a bottle of Whiskey( Whisky) and a year's subscription to the Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine to the best /funniest photograph taken at Birr .


I will start you off with two based on Foxgun Tom's well known penchant for letting lesser mortals be photographed with him.


Firstly with carraghgem and secondly with our host Lord Rosse.


i can see bluebell + k9delboy being contenders for a start :yes:


My photo of the FN Champion and reserve.

post-35212-021577500 1283344762_thumb.jpg

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post-35212-042113400 1283338112_thumb.jpgpost-35212-083157100 1283338135_thumb.jpgOn a lighter note on the Birr Fair a photogtaphic competition for a bottle of Whiskey( Whisky) and a year's subscription to the Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine to the best /funniest photograph taken at Birr .


I will start you off with two based on Foxgun Tom's well known penchant for letting lesser mortals be photographed with him.


Firstly with carraghgem and secondly with our host Lord Rosse.




Is that the same sporran i see :laugh:

post-34669-069876200 1283347039_thumb.jpg

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where did ya find that catcher? :laugh:



Got it here last year.Money raiser for the calender by Kay and Tis TM Tom being a gent donated two.Cant remember where the attack happened :laugh: 150 prints made.see tom for details:laugh: atb Catcher:thumbs:


hope you dont mind tom but ive stolen this old post of yours off a scottish forum and copied + pasted it here :thumbs:




Earth Dog Running Dog!! a fieldsports magazine is a UK publication and is available on subscribtion in Eire as well as the UK. Many American and Canadian working dog enthusiasts also contribute articles to one of Britains most popular magazine's


The incident with the Patterdale ragging my fox sporran is a true and real life incident, unfortunately I was'nt judging only spectating


Below is my response to an article which appeared in EDRD magazine, after!! the full colour drawings appeared this was published in August 2009 issue of EDRD magazine:






Made me Chuckle and a big thank you


First of all I'd like to say a big thank you to Ritch, JP and of course the wee black bitch "Boozer" for making it possible for me to be immortilised in one of the worlds best fieldsports magazines! David Harcombe (Editor) has put me on the spot by asking me! to give my version of events which resulted in my foxmask sporran being nailed by "Boozer" I was standing next to Rich and JP scanning the terrier ring at the Midland game fair and noticed JP's wee black dog staring at me somewhat bemused and intrequed? I could see what was going through her mind while staring at my foxmask sporran! "Is it?" no it can't be! " a bloody charlie (Fox) less than two feet from me and my master" Yahoo!!! At this point JP suggested and warned I stay back as he said "Tom!! she's gonna have that sporran an maybe what ever else is behind it" at this stage and after another few nips from my hipflask I deceided to find out who had more bravado me or "Boozer"? I turned round quickly thinking I was at a safe distance and holding the sporran with both hands gestured and flashed the mask at "Boozer her whole demeanour and countanace changed! as quick as a flash, she nailed it and was hanging on and ragging my pride and joy! JP apologised immediatly! while pissing himself laughing at the same time as was everyone else, saying "I did warn you she'd have it Tom" So I'm there I am with this demon!! which is as black as the Earl of Hell's (Satan's) waistcoat attached to my groin hanging on for all she's worth.


My first thoughts were "oh sh*t!" and then I realised this was no-ones fault but my own and also due to my own stupidity, My second thought was and I don't know why? was, "I hope some-ones manage's to get a photo cos' nobody will believe me when I tell them? unfortunatly I never did get a photograph that why I was excited to see the incident recorded in EDRD.


After what seemed like a lifetime JP managed to break "Boozers hold and we examined the damage! a corner pocket of the sporran was ripped and the ears badly damaged but after a visit to a taxidermist/sporran maker and £80 lighter "Fergus the Fox" sporran is back doing the rounds. This incident happened at the Midland Game Fair some years ago and even to the present day while attending lurcher and terrier shows I still get people coming over to me and say that, that day was the funniest day they've ever had at an event


Animal mask sporrans are one of the most traditional type of sporrans you can aquire and I have a few, fox, badger wildcat and otter, the badger otter, wilcat can still be used as long as the carcass was obtained legally? roadkill etc: you must have the relevant paperwork for possesion eg: police incident report no: and or confirmation from DEFRA


In Boozer's case! the reason she came out top? was that Fergus the Sporran is over 120 years old (too old to fight back) and an antique He must have been the oldest dog fox she ever got to grips with!


I'd also like to thank Jeff Farrow graphic designer and illustrator for depicting me with his brilliant artwork, how he does his thing from a couple of pictures that were nothing to do with the original incident and captures a unique moment in time in people's live's is amazing but!! my biggest thank you undoubtbly goes to the man himself "David Harcome" David! kindly gave me the original drawings to help raise funds for BADA-UK the tick and Lymes disease charity which I'm sure many of you have heard off? if not please have a look at their website www.bada-uk.org This illness can cause serious harm to us and our dogs, BADA-UK desperately need your support, its a small charity with only volunteers helping!! no-one involved in Bada receives a salary or any kind of financial renumeration and their main aim is to raise awareness and prevention, they need funding to attend events and publish advisory leaflets


David in my opinion is one of the most warm hearted, generous people I've yet to meet , He was one of the first people to help with the ZANDER Appeal (A young scots shoolboy shot on the side of the head and who lost an eye as a result) He is without doubt passionate about the working dog and their enthusiasts as well as the ordinary countryman. Some lucky b*gg*er is gonna end up with the original drawings!! I'll make do with framed copies and happy in the knowledge I've appeared in one of the worlds top sporting dog magazines


A delighted Scotsman


Tom Chalmers (aka) Foxgun Tom)




hell of a storyteller :notworthy:

Edited by CarraghsGem
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where did ya find that catcher? :laugh:



Got it here last year.Money raiser for the calender by Kay and Tis TM Tom being a gent donated two.Cant remember where the attack happened :laugh: 150 prints made.see tom for details:laugh: atb Catcher:thumbs:


hope you dont mind tom but ive stolen this old post of yours off a scottish forum and copied + pasted it here :thumbs:




Earth Dog Running Dog!! a fieldsports magazine is a UK publication and is available on subscribtion in Eire as well as the UK. Many American and Canadian working dog enthusiasts also contribute articles to one of Britains most popular magazine's


The incident with the Patterdale ragging my fox sporran is a true and real life incident, unfortunately I was'nt judging only spectating


Below is my response to an article which appeared in EDRD magazine, after!! the full colour drawings appeared this was published in August 2009 issue of EDRD magazine:






Made me Chuckle and a big thank you


First of all I'd like to say a big thank you to Ritch, JP and of course the wee black bitch "Boozer" for making it possible for me to be immortilised in one of the worlds best fieldsports magazines! David Harcombe (Editor) has put me on the spot by asking me! to give my version of events which resulted in my foxmask sporran being nailed by "Boozer" I was standing next to Rich and JP scanning the terrier ring at the Midland game fair and noticed JP's wee black dog staring at me somewhat bemused and intrequed? I could see what was going through her mind while staring at my foxmask sporran! "Is it?" no it can't be! " a bloody charlie (Fox) less than two feet from me and my master" Yahoo!!! At this point JP suggested and warned I stay back as he said "Tom!! she's gonna have that sporran an maybe what ever else is behind it" at this stage and after another few nips from my hipflask I deceided to find out who had more bravado me or "Boozer"? I turned round quickly thinking I was at a safe distance and holding the sporran with both hands gestured and flashed the mask at "Boozer her whole demeanour and countanace changed! as quick as a flash, she nailed it and was hanging on and ragging my pride and joy! JP apologised immediatly! while pissing himself laughing at the same time as was everyone else, saying "I did warn you she'd have it Tom" So I'm there I am with this demon!! which is as black as the Earl of Hell's (Satan's) waistcoat attached to my groin hanging on for all she's worth.


My first thoughts were "oh sh*t!" and then I realised this was no-ones fault but my own and also due to my own stupidity, My second thought was and I don't know why? was, "I hope some-ones manage's to get a photo cos' nobody will believe me when I tell them? unfortunatly I never did get a photograph that why I was excited to see the incident recorded in EDRD.


After what seemed like a lifetime JP managed to break "Boozers hold and we examined the damage! a corner pocket of the sporran was ripped and the ears badly damaged but after a visit to a taxidermist/sporran maker and £80 lighter "Fergus the Fox" sporran is back doing the rounds. This incident happened at the Midland Game Fair some years ago and even to the present day while attending lurcher and terrier shows I still get people coming over to me and say that, that day was the funniest day they've ever had at an event


Animal mask sporrans are one of the most traditional type of sporrans you can aquire and I have a few, fox, badger wildcat and otter, the badger otter, wilcat can still be used as long as the carcass was obtained legally? roadkill etc: you must have the relevant paperwork for possesion eg: police incident report no: and or confirmation from DEFRA


In Boozer's case! the reason she came out top? was that Fergus the Sporran is over 120 years old (too old to fight back) and an antique He must have been the oldest dog fox she ever got to grips with!


I'd also like to thank Jeff Farrow graphic designer and illustrator for depicting me with his brilliant artwork, how he does his thing from a couple of pictures that were nothing to do with the original incident and captures a unique moment in time in people's live's is amazing but!! my biggest thank you undoubtbly goes to the man himself "David Harcome" David! kindly gave me the original drawings to help raise funds for BADA-UK the tick and Lymes disease charity which I'm sure many of you have heard off? if not please have a look at their website www.bada-uk.org This illness can cause serious harm to us and our dogs, BADA-UK desperately need your support, its a small charity with only volunteers helping!! no-one involved in Bada receives a salary or any kind of financial renumeration and their main aim is to raise awareness and prevention, they need funding to attend events and publish advisory leaflets


David in my opinion is one of the most warm hearted, generous people I've yet to meet , He was one of the first people to help with the ZANDER Appeal (A young scots shoolboy shot on the side of the head and who lost an eye as a result) He is without doubt passionate about the working dog and their enthusiasts as well as the ordinary countryman. Some lucky b*gg*er is gonna end up with the original drawings!! I'll make do with framed copies and happy in the knowledge I've appeared in one of the worlds top sporting dog magazines


A delighted Scotsman


Tom Chalmers (aka) Foxgun Tom)




hell of a storyteller :notworthy:



Looking back that seems right:icon_eek: Tom told me the story behind it but we were both pissed at the time.:blink: Or maybe it was just me:laugh: .The man can take a good swally.Drank me under the table:sick: atb. Catcher





Good investment been offered three times what i paid for it:yes:

Edited by Catcher 1
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post-35212-042113400 1283338112_thumb.jpgpost-35212-083157100 1283338135_thumb.jpgOn a lighter note on the Birr Fair a photogtaphic competition for a bottle of Whiskey( Whisky) and a year's subscription to the Irish Countrysports and Country Life magazine to the best /funniest photograph taken at Birr .


I will start you off with two based on Foxgun Tom's well known penchant for letting lesser mortals be photographed with him.


Firstly with carraghgem and secondly with our host Lord Rosse.


i can see bluebell + k9delboy being contenders for a start :yes:


My photo of the FN Champion and reserve.


well done mrs B and of course danny.

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Not win a bottle with that pic Gemma. Was nice to meet you both. Hope to do same next year.

P.S. you still goin to send me that tipple for my mate. I can send you cash if needed.


will sort it out, take a couple of weeks as temp shortage of supply due to big brother watching him lol, same as what i had at birr!

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