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daft question but how can i spot minxy?

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Forget Wikipedia!


Generally its full of good information, but as it can be changed by anyone, there is also many times you will find duff info! :thumbdown:


Try official governmnets sites defra, natural england that sort of thing.


LR you are quite correct, the wild rabbits in this country are developing a resistance to Myxie, the ones that have built up a resistance are passing this on to the young ones and every generation is becomming more resistant :D



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  On 02/09/2010 at 10:17, Lady rosselle said:
  On 02/09/2010 at 06:32, runforyourlife said:

, as the late stages are most certainly death, yes! :wallbash::wallbash:

Not necessarily some recover, :) and obviously early stage is hard to spot without a blood test :blink: ,what im saying is a rabbit could still have mixy and folk will be none the wiser in the early stages,sometimes the liver can be flecked or light in colour but his could be the start of other things for instance RHD,or if you have a pet bunnie and you put a early stage bunnie near it you will also find out if mixy is presant, ive killed more bunnies than you would think matey so do go on about running them with dog's and being able to spot stuff,been there wore the tea shirt and bra.



"MOST CERTAINLY DEATH" ok, 99%, jesus, another picker.... I didnt say you hadnt killed enough rabbits... out of interest, how many did you have last year...with all this "MIXI" around.

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  On 03/09/2010 at 07:39, garfield said:

problem is most rabbits could be carrying mixy but not showing signs :blink: but if a rabbit is! suffering from it you will be able to tell no ifs not buts you will know they look like they've been in a boxing ring with tyson :whistling:


You mean, they will have a chunk of Ear missing with teeth marks?




@ RFYL: I'm not 100% sure of the figures now, but survival of Myxie is now much greater than 1% :yes: and is getting better every year I seem to remember it being around 23 to 24% I'll see if I can find the official figures from last year. Its looking good for us hunters, but not so quite good for land owners and farmers.


When you think how bad it was when it first appeared in the UK it wiped out over 98% of the Bunnies in the UK in the 1st 5 years or so. I for one am glad a tolerance is building steadily :year upon year yes: :thumbs:



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If its got mixi you should notice, it will have puffed up eyes and just look a general mess.I feed them to my ferrets too, just remove all the organs instead of leaving the kidneys, heart and lungs in. Also i got told that you can have 3 generations or rabbits that are immune and then it suddenly springs up from nowhere in their young.

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  On 06/09/2010 at 08:10, Aaron_butcher said:

If its got mixi you should notice, it will have puffed up eyes and just look a general mess.I feed them to my ferrets too, just remove all the organs instead of leaving the kidneys, heart and lungs in. Also i got told that you can have 3 generations or rabbits that are immune and then it suddenly springs up from nowhere in their young.



it doesnt matter if they eat all the rabbit. They would in the wild... And mixi, doesnt just spring up, it is a man made deseace.

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  On 06/09/2010 at 12:08, runforyourlife said:
  On 06/09/2010 at 08:10, Aaron_butcher said:

If its got mixi you should notice, it will have puffed up eyes and just look a general mess.I feed them to my ferrets too, just remove all the organs instead of leaving the kidneys, heart and lungs in. Also i got told that you can have 3 generations or rabbits that are immune and then it suddenly springs up from nowhere in their young.



it doesnt matter if they eat all the rabbit. They would in the wild... And mixi, doesnt just spring up, it is a man made deseace.


Your correct in most of what you say , :thumbs:


However Myxie was not actually created by man, in its original form it was a native virus in Central/South America :yes:

It was 'modified' by scientists into the form that we see today.

Myxie can not just appear as it only form of infection is what they term "mechanical" that is it is spread Via an infected flea that bites the next bunny and infects that bunny via the blood. A myxie free flea will then bite and feed on the blood of that bunny and in turn carry it to another bunny either in the same warren or it may even drop off one bunny to hop onto another bunny and continue the cycle.


Have a look at this work, very detailed by one of the formost authoraties in the virus.





Edited by Phantom
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  On 06/09/2010 at 20:19, Aaron_butcher said:

I thought that there could be generations that were immune and then suddenly be a generation that could be infected from the parents that were immune, in regards to getting infected by fleas. I may be wrong but thats what i've always been led to believe.



Hi Aaron,


No with each generation of bunny that has an imunity to the virus, the following generation will be that bit stronger in it immunity :yes:


I would imagine that an infected Doe could possibly give birth to kits that have the disease though. Im not sure on that though.

But its main route of transmission is via the flea :yes:



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  On 06/09/2010 at 20:32, Phantom said:
  On 06/09/2010 at 20:19, Aaron_butcher said:

I thought that there could be generations that were immune and then suddenly be a generation that could be infected from the parents that were immune, in regards to getting infected by fleas. I may be wrong but thats what i've always been led to believe.



Hi Aaron,


No with each generation of bunny that has an imunity to the virus, the following generation will be that bit stronger in it immunity :yes:


I would imagine that an infected Doe could possibly give birth to kits that have the disease though. Im not sure on that though.

But its main route of transmission is via the flea :yes:




cheers mate, learn something new everyday :). We've been getting loads of myxi rabbits with the ferrets at the moment, sad really that people can do that.


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