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terriers not making the grade

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Has anyone else not followed there gut instinct

with a dog then regreted it?I have just wasted 2 year on a terrier that at 10-12 month old i had that GUT FEELING that she wasnt going to make it.Her first time to ground she self entered into a lovely one holer about 3-4 foot deep,perfect little starter set.There she was baying away,having a bit of a mix back to baying,lovely i thought.Had a listen and every thing woz going well so we settled down to have a fag and a chat why she worked it a bit.Ten minutes later baying stopped,she latched on we said,brilliant we said,gets the mark were she is,still same place,just about to start and dig and fox came out.It didnt bolt out just casualy skulked out.What the f--k we thought,a minute later out comes dog goes off in another direction working rabbit.That is when i had this gut feeling and that voice in the back of your head saying some thing isnt quite [bANNED TEXT].I stuck with her and gave her ample time and opportunites to learn her trade and some times she did well,very well,but there woz allways something not [bANNED TEXT] for me.She would not stay to ground,call me old school but this is [bANNED TEXT] a terrier should do.Dont get me wrong it was handy for some sets,good for the lurchers we had because she would hit em and hit em hard for a bolt,but lose interest after about 10-15 min,but would not stop to ground.we have accounted for about 23 foxes with her,not to bad but only 2 wer dug to as she had to dig on a bit and got wedged in.The last straw came last week,just checking a few earths for the keeper,marked a pipe,in she went,bayed then sounded like she had latched on.Gets a mark,5foot,starts to dig out she cums,no blood snot or fur,f--k it i thought iam going to breakthrough and make sure.Gets through only to find dead rabbit.WHAT A b*****d.Gutted,sorry about the long post but ive got to start all over again.SO THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS FOLLOW YOUR GUT INSTINCT....

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Lucky for her my daughter has always had a soft spot for her so she had her.I already have a terrier for bushing and ratting so i only wanted her for ground work.The problem i have now is getting another terrier from honest lads because good terrier lads dont let there pups go to total stranges and why would they.This terrier i fetched was supposed to be the dogs bollocks,some of its bloodline was sent to ireland and down south,that good.Seen the parents plus the photos,i fell for it big style.The bloke was as sound as anything,in his sixtys been doing it man and boy.I went up to his place about 4 times to get to know him,3oo mile later picked a pup and away we went.He kept in touch to see how she was getting on,thats good on him i thought.Then he would ring and offer a pup from the mother of mine,abit soon to be breeding again i thought,then nothing for about 7month and f--k me another phone call another litter.Every time she was in season he would breed :wallbash: So ive been done over by a puppy peddlar :censored: I dont like to get rid of my dogs and ive been fortunate to have had dogs that suit me,but now iam f--ked because trying to get an honest terrier of honest lads isnt easy.There not going to let there line [bANNED TEXT] they have carefully got go to just anybody. :thumbs:

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I have the opposite problem to you, i got my Jack Russell recently, he was about 3 1/2 when i got him, and i thought i was getting a nice friendly playful pet dog, the one that fetches sticks and balls in the park, and he`s not slightly interesting in playing at all, all he wants to do is kill things, anything he can get hold of, he can smell vermin from a long way off, the other night he went straight for a Hedgehog a hundred feet away in near pitch darkness, he has an unbelievable nose.


I do love him, but if someone offered me a JRT pup in exchange, i would be tempted :D ...

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