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Would you pay a Land owner to shoot?

Would you pay a Land owner to shoot?  

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  1. 1. Would you pay a Land owner to shoot?

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Nobody's lynching anyone here Darren but the fact is, it's true mate you can get into serious trouble taking an air rifle onto land you don't have permission for.   But if you are stuck for shooting

Wow, OK...   I know shooting permission can be hard earned and those of us that persist can endure a lot of time, travel and rejection for their effort, but I don't think that admitting on an open f

People pay to fish, people pay to hunt Deer , Grouse, etc...   yes they do. but they are game. they should be paying you to shoot rabbits, rats and woodys. just think of the cash we save them a ye

No. There is a big difference between paying for a week or two's holiday staying in a nice, quiet little cottage out in pleasant country with all the rabbits etc. you can shoot, thrown in. :thumbs:


And a miserly old bugger holding his hand out for you to shoot the pests off his crops! :thumbdown:

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If I was paying I would expect the quary to be stocked as with game birds and fisheries,

Pest controll is mutualy benificial where both parties gain, I think paying will tip the scales to far in land owners favor. So a no from me ( a bottle at crimbo is no problem tho ) :)

A mixed bag of Intresting views

.atb. .ste.

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No I wouldnt pay a landowner to shoot, as above, I wrap a nice bottle of malt up and deliver with a Christams card.

I pay for my land in the cost of pellets and shotgun shells and diesel used in controling the farmers pest problems throughout the year.


Farmers happy, me happy.

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I lost all my last permissions to a syndicate of 5 lads who paid the farmer £200 a year between them to shoot rabbits twice a month!!


The ones me n wor kid have now get a bottle of Grouse as a thanks


After I had that permission for years and it was well looked after.....apparently times were hard!



Edited by Marksman
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  On 29/08/2010 at 19:53, Phantom said:

I had thought about it before I got permission :yes:


People pay to fish, people pay to hunt Deer , Grouse, etc...


So yeah I see nothing wrong with it.




People pay to fish, people pay to hunt Deer , Grouse, etc...


yes they do. but they are game.

they should be paying you to shoot rabbits, rats and woodys.

just think of the cash we save them a year 4 rabbis can eat the same as a sheep in 24 hours so think how much crop that is over 24hours per rabbit then times that by the year and the amount of rabbits taken by just one hunter and think how mutch cash we are saveing them.

and then there is the damage from rats and woodys

so would i pay to shoot erm NO.

and if there was anywere up my way that was chargeing i would hammer it so they could not charge any one else


this is not an attack at you tony :thumbs:

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I pay a lease on a bity of ground. It borders a 1000 acres of roe and red ground we have, where we also have good grouse on the high ground ( 2 days tops a year walked up grouse) with rabbits and a very few pheasants on the low ground. On this ground we dont pay to shoot, but have struck a deal whereby we pay a very reasonable fee for each deer we take. It is more of a token for what we are shooting and is very well worth it. The bit we lease is slightly smaller, but gives us the whole hill, and also has reds visiting it so makes our licenses easy to obtain and we can also sign other people on, as we effectivly own the shooting rights. It borders a couple of pheasant shoots so we get visiting birds and would also make a great pigeon shoot, but we have ground which is free much closer to home for this. It has a pond that we should really feed, that we have very occasionally seen ducks on but to be honest we really only stalk there and control the foxes for "the boss". In summer we tow up a caravan to stay in for late night stuff as it is a bit away from home.


I think paying a small ammount to effectivly own the shooting rights is well worth it and a couple of deer a year would pay for it if we were so inclined. The reds visit from time to time and we have seen in the distance a couple of spectacular beasts. We are still to get a red there but i am sure we will as they clearly visit it regularly.


The owners live hundreds of miles away and only see the land as an income generator. Much of the lower stuff is leased as farm ground. If we did not pay we could loose beasts over the march, or may have frustrating days when the roe stay on one bit of ground, or are easier to stalk on one part due to the wind than another. There is no way they would entertain us shooting there if we did not pay a token. It is, to my mind very well worth the cost, and if we did not pay we would not have it. We would never get this ground without a couple of quid changing hands, and the payment is minimal. I am sure most of us would pay to have this available as and when we want it, and to guarantee the future of our own leisure.


We dont shoot there as vermin controlers, though we do this elsewhere. One bit of vermin control ground we got the owner said we could shoot as we pleased as long as we controlled the rabbits first and did not charge him! Like many, i struggled to get ground initially, then was lucky and gained a lot quickly. When we got ground we visited the neighbours and introduced ourselves and in almost every case they instantly trusted us as reliable and this is how we expanded what we had. We then discovered "our" ground, struck a deal and now have a surplus of ground, and the more basic farming land we no longer shoot. We have since introduced the owners to a couple of young keen shots who enjoy the farms for bunny bashing for the farmer.


Each year we give a hamper to each of our landowners. The ground we lease we dont do this, but the cost of the hamper is more than each of us pay for our share of our lease. The best ground we give a hamper and give our "deer donation" for each one taken. To us it is a low cost way to enjoy the best of shooting.


Basically our 4 main permissions cost us less in total than the tip for a single days red stalking cost me this year, devided amoungst our wee syndicate the cost is basically tiny, far less than the fuel to get there and driving the landy round the ground for a day. And our syndicate has only basic rules. Guests by agreement of all only. No selling of game, no shooting alone (safety rule) and no one gets in without taking a bit of ground with them, that we can all also shoot on. This expands the syndicate ground by the effort of those that want to join us, and thereby also does not put pressure on our stocks, as the stocks increase as the ground and syndicate does. At the moment there are 4 of us in the gang, and we have 3 sons and 2 pals who join us from time to time, but who are yet to get ground and therefor and not signed into the lease.


So my experiences are that paying a small ammount, giving a christmas hamper and having a simple but effective set of rules that the owner knows we stick to opens up opportunities that as indeviduals and without paying we would never have had.




This basic set up means we enjoy excellent shooting, minimal costs, very little fear of ever loosing it because we pay our way, that and is is in the middle of no where, is not easy to get to and had not been shot for many years before we discovered it.

Edited by DIVERD
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  On 29/08/2010 at 19:56, Buster321c said:

NO , if one starts , we`ll all end up paying . End of the day your doing them a favour , they are legally obliged to control pests . So from me its a NO .


:yes:,Free permission is the way if we all had to pay to control "vermin" many would leave the sport and seek illegal pursuits.However i also can understand lanndowners gaining some extra revenue business is business i surpose.

good post though..


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if its swaming with rabbits,squirrels,crows and pigeons and you can shoot as many as you please and offers a good day out with not too much off a price thats what i would spend my pocket money on

but at the end off the day it is VERMIN shooting


how much does he want :hmm:

Edited by hunter.wales
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no way like it has been allready said if we start doing that it will become the norm :thumbdown: and before you know it the government will want a cut of it too and then the price will start going up and up. pardon the pun but stick to your guns. arf arf :boogie:

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Definately not, if you rent a cottage with it then fair enough but not just vermin shooting :thumbdown: as said once people start then everyone will have to pay. I have been to the place in essex a while ago but i only paid because they have a few different ranges with decent set-ups, i did go and do a bit of rabbit shooting and although the rabbits just stick to thick cover and bolt when they see you 70 yards away, but i found a field with a few in and got two although it was a challenge but there were 4 other older guys there that got nothing and were asking me for advice :laugh: and i think that most people go there not having shot anything in their life so thats the only reason they pay.

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there was a thread on here a while ago about the usefulness of camouflage and someone said its only good for hiding from other humans. there are no chances of permission up my end and if there were, i'd probably get turned down cos i live on a scummy council estate, full of the types of people that folk won't want wandering round their land with an air rifle. i can't drive, and im skint so i'd not be able to pay anyway. my only option to go shooting is to just go, and be as inconspicuous as possible.

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