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how do you or did you teach your pup to retrieve?

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just wondering on your methods as my pup will retrieve 8/10 times but really want it to be retrieving 10/10 times

How old is it ?? imho asking it to retrieve a dummy ten times in one training session is to much and will be the quikest way to sicken the dog from retreiving alltogether.

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just wondering on your methods as my pup will retrieve 8/10 times but really want it to be retrieving 10/10 times



ball and/or stuffed rabbit skin as always worked for me me bitch puts her catch in my hand 9/10 times:thumbs:


the same as above :thumbs: , but (dont) over do it 3-4 times is plenty, or they will get pissed off doing it fact make it a game, that they like dont push it.






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cracking pics bird proper nice.

my new pup is retrieving everything i throw dunno if im just lucky.and i aint really pressured him at all done it from since i got him.first and foremost i always let them be pups plenty time for serious stuff later.

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