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strangest thing seen while lamping

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  On 27/08/2010 at 20:39, scent said:

i once went lamping and saw wegdogsmell dry humping Irish lurcher on a honda 5O .does that count



well I better not tell of the time that I saw scent and jigsaw at a hole one night, lets just say that scent had his jeans down and JS had him bent over a T Bar. :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:

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Guest LancsUK

Lamped a one-legged fox previously and my mates old man who is bang in to the stalking has shot 1 legged deer before. Not sure if they are common and just as capable as a four legged one? who knows lol..

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  On 30/08/2010 at 12:09, Irish Lurcher said:
  On 30/08/2010 at 10:05, nocton fen said:

was lamping out 4x4 on a country lane and saw a bloke in a dress and high heels walking down the lane wtf bout 1 in morning



That would be scent leaving a swingers party.


thought id seen you + scent on fabswingers.com :tongue2:

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  On 27/08/2010 at 15:48, j1985 said:

I'v seen what I can only assume was a big cat, black and about the size of a labrador running up the edge of a field. Freaked me out tbh!! But please don't tell folk, or they'll think I'm mad lol

You know what that would have been then eh.............................?





















A f*****g black labrador........ :tongue2:

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Guest it's all my land after 12

my partner and another mate (who had an interest in things military) were out high on the south-eastern edges of dartmoor in early


1982 (april-june ish) when we saw approaching high up in the sky from the west at speed what appeared to be a UFO, lights abound


and noisy ..... but not one..... two.... another close behind over they came and were gone again and it well spooked us...... we


spent time discussing it but couldn't agree what we had seen, next day our mate contacts the air aviation people who denied any


movement of aircraft etc that night... thereby confiming in some of our minds it was indeed UFO's, however it later materalised


that vulcan bombers (concord shaped) were involved in attacking 'port stanley' on the Falklands during the conflict and we later decided that they


were probably moving them about test/flights etc about that time. sure was spooky though. regards IAMLA12.

Edited by it's all my land after 12
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few years ago was out lamping foxes at the back of parkhurst prison,was squaeking ina reluctant vixen (what it turned out to be)dog nailed the fox(pre ban)when lights came on all over the place,fella,s in uniform dozens of them,after i,d recovered my composure,i thought bit much for bit of poaching eh.turns out 3 cat a prisoners had escaped,hence all the activity..couldnt beleive the amount of bodies everywere....they werent interested in me,another time then yes ,nicked for sure,goes without saying gave the place amiss for a good few seasons...yis...darrell.

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  On 30/08/2010 at 13:23, lab-tastic said:
  On 27/08/2010 at 15:48, j1985 said:

I'v seen what I can only assume was a big cat, black and about the size of a labrador running up the edge of a field. Freaked me out tbh!! But please don't tell folk, or they'll think I'm mad lol

You know what that would have been then eh.............................?





















A f*****g black labrador........ :tongue2:


It moved and looked like a cat not a fat lab lol!!! There's been a few sightings in the same area of so-called big cats.

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