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where best to place pellet

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Hi all

just started to get into air rifle shooting after being a great lover of the .22 rimfire for years which i still use all the time

I have just bought my mates FAC air arms S410 .22 it is the 30pound power type can you guys tell me where on a rabbit you would try and place the pellet for a clean kill

is it behind the eye or the eye its self or back of the head etc sorry if this sounds a bit thick but i am used to a rimfire and as you know you can kill a rabbit just as easy if you

hit it in the ribs because of the vital organs as you can in the head will this S410 do the same ??

am looking forward to getting to grips with this air rifle but need a bit of guidance from you air riflers that know your stuff

thanks for any help max

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hi pal


ive been shooting for a few years now,and also had many rifles,head shots are always the best way,but i have took a fair share of rabbits out with a heart or lung shot.dont try this yet as you may just hurt the rabbit and it will run of and die a slow and painfull death,head shot i say then if you miss the rabbit got a second chance not in pain good luck man

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for best results, dont go for behind the eye. go for the base of the ear. this takes out the rear end of the brain and there is absaloutly no twitching at all, and no jumping around or backfl;ips or anything.


I generally go for between the eye ane base of the lugole :yes:


However I do like to take out the Cerebellum at the base of the ear. Especially when near the warren as this results in the bunny just "rolling over or dropping down" no jumping, no backflips; no waving Goodnight; no nothing; just a certainly dead bunny.


But FAC eye to lug will finish it there and then. Out Cold :yes:



Edited by Phantom
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