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ive been offered a Gunpower Stealth MkIl what r they like


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Hi buddy yeh they are nice guns but you really need to teat it as each 1 can be different to the next so you can get 1 that will do pellet on pellet at 40 yds but another will struggle at even 15 yds so best thing is give it a good test


I did have 1 of the good ones and only reason I got rid was because of the single shot venomviper bought it from me and believe he still has it


Ps there is a multishot conversion in the prototype stage being made by my father in law Adi at A&M custom gunsmiths



Atb rob

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Hi buddy yeh they are nice guns but you really need to teat it as each 1 can be different to the next so you can get 1 that will do pellet on pellet at 40 yds but another will struggle at even 15 yds so best thing is give it a good test


I did have 1 of the good ones and only reason I got rid was because of the single shot venomviper bought it from me and believe he still has it


Ps there is a multishot conversion in the prototype stage being made by my father in law Adi at A&M custom gunsmiths



Atb rob


thanks for that i dont mind the single shot as i use a weihrauch h77 at the min and my mate says he will give me it on the never never lollaugh.gif

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Hu Sloth,


Ive had one of them and as Rob says they can be brilliant rifles.


Luckily mine was very accurate and i shot my furthest ever sub 12 FP rabbit with mine.


I only sold mine because i moved to another country and didnt think id shoot again for a long time.


My Uncle still as it and its now a FAC Stealth pushing out something silly.


He is a game keeper though and uses it for dropping tree rats and rabbits at range.



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