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im 46 years old and i have been ferretting all my life up until last weekend i have never used a locator. if the ferrets are well handled and well fed you might get the odd kill in and a bit of a wait

also as has been said so many times in the past, what if the ferts need vets treatment, will you hope to put a post up, asking if theres another way other than vets   dunno why not there supposed e

Try and find a wee bit part time work or somthing , paper round maybe. Or try and wash your parents cars, tidy around the house for some pocket money and save up im sure u will find a cheap second hand one somewhere. Just so u know it will mostly be men you will be talking to on the site so maybe best u lay of the kiss at the end of your post's. Hope u find one and prob best not going ferreting untill u do, u wouldnt want to lose your ferrets.


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I AM A 12 YEAR BOY AND I HAVE RECENTLY BOUGHT TWO FERRETS FROM A BREEDER as i am only 12 i can not afford to buy a ferret finder i was wondering if anyone hadany suggestions of ways to reduce my ferrets laying down in the hole x?????????????????? :signthankspin:


get a paper round & save the money .. you will soon have enough to buy a locater & collar :thumbs:

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No such thing as locators when I started out.

We ran the jills loose and had a hob as a 'liner'

If the jills did lay up, and it wasnt that often, you put a collar and line on the hob.

The line would be marked every yard [meter] which gave you an idea of how far he was away!

Then it was get out the spade and dig following the line.

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once again thankyou was just wondering is there anyway you could ferret without them as they did in the olden days thanks


josh ?



of course you can, at the end of the day, only you can deciede what value you put on your ferrets, look back through old posts and see those from people that have lost ferts in the same way,

also, and this is'nt me trying to be funny, but maybe if you cant afford a locator, you should seriously think about rabbiting in some other form, with say and air rifle,

because you cant afford a locator, so what about


purse nets x 20 plus

a decent shovel

a carry box


also as has been said so many times in the past, what if the ferts need vets treatment, will you hope to put a post up, asking if theres another way other than vets :hmm:

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take no notice of stubby especially as a half decent air rifle will cost more than a locator you get yourself some jobs to do where you can earn a few quid you'll soon have the money for a second hand locator, ive just give away an old box and some nylon nets mate you could of had them if youd of posted last week you keep at it mate you'll get there in the end, dont listen to doom and gloom he's only kept ferrets a few years himself....albert

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Fully agree with stubbys post, keeping any animals has associated costs which the owner needs to be prepared for. However not having a locator shouldn't stop a 12yr old ferreting, you just have to pick your warrens etc. It's very hard to permanently lose your ferret in a 3-6 hole set. Make sure the ferrets are well hand tamed and work on getting them to come when you whistle, by whisteling them out to feed them. Get your self a shovel and a probe and crack on.

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im 46 years old and i have been ferretting all my life up until last weekend i have never used a locator. if the ferrets are well handled and well fed you might get the odd kill in and a bit of a wait but generally the ferrets come out eventually. i have never lost a ferret, left one down a hole once and left the carrying bag outside the hole, when i came back the next morning the ferret ran over to me i think it was more releived than i was,


a dead rabbit waggled in a hole, making a thumping noise with a stick, squeaking the back of your hand all of these work sometimes.


Just be sensible never leave a ferret near a farm with poultry, dont put a ferret down a hole if its getting dark, and keep your ferrets fit and healthy. you should be fine. Im not saying dont buy a locator as they are a great peice of kit but im not going to dig down 8 foot to find a ferret with a dead rabbit.


i thinks a locator speeds the day up in shallow sets by retrieving the odd dead bunny and attached ferret. dug to one last sunday about 3 foot down when out pops ferret from a bolt hole, it had decided to come see what the noise was about probably. good luck

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well said stroller.im the same never used a locator until a cpl of seasons ago then i gave the bloody thing away pity that cause i would have gave you it.there not for me.you will get the die hard ferreters who wouldnt dream of entering a fert to a warren without a collar.and i aint saying anything against that,but there is absouletley no reason you cant ferret away and have a great day without a locator.just be prepared to wait if you get a lie up.get your self a good hob who will shift lazy jills from a kill if it happens. yea and you can save up may take you a bit of time butyou will get there if you still want one.a loacator is a fair bit of cash for a 12year old to find.and he has stated that, so get out there mate and choose your burrows carefully if you are in doubt.if you do get a lie up and it aint for budging and darkness is drawing in.block of all the holes in the warren.you may need to do a bit of raking to make sure you get them all.then 1st thing in the morning get yourself back there and 9 times out of ten when you unblock a hole your fert will be there to greet you after hearing the noise.stick with it kid and welcome to the world of ferreting :thumbs:

Edited by scothunter
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