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Pigeon Shooting Cartridges

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  On 26/08/2010 at 13:58, jclay91 said:
  On 26/08/2010 at 07:47, chid21 said:

we dont use no fancy pigeon cartridges .. we use 7-1/2 28 grams trap cartridges at the moment we got eley ones cost £37.50 for 250 but cartridges are more expensive over here ps clear pidgeon are shit seen a boy fire a box off and hit 2 where when he uses a trap cartridges is shot ratio is very high 22 outta 25


he would of been shooting behing when using clear pigeons, trap cartridges are faster

its not the cartridges, its the person pointing the gun


clear pigeon are not s**t cartridges, they will and do kill


7 n half 28 grams is just disrepespect for your quarry and gives shooters a bad name


well he shoots fine with GB 30g or 32g no6s ... and the person as been shooting while you were still shiting green so knows about speed of cartridges and all the other technical stuff...

as for the cartridges can you explain why its disrespectful??????? 7-1/2 28g kill cleanly and we shoot good numbers with them! my father in law as shot pigeon and crows with these for years and swears by them ..

Edited by chid21
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As I said in another post, Diana 30 grm 6s are lethal, my son dropped a jackdaw clean in the air and I retrieved it and counted 62 paces back to the hide. I killed 10 crows and 7 pigeons out of 25 Dianas and not 1 out of 25 clear pigeons, they are shit, I reckon I hit 10 pigeon with them only to see feathers and them flying on.

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Nothing wrong with clear pigeon, as others have said its the person behind the gun. Needs to take account of cartridge speed. I know from experience that the speed of the cartridge mades a difference, had fired 50 shots one day with a good kill ratio when I switched cartridges, next ten shots I hit nothing, started given the pigeons another 12 to 18 inches of lead and hey presto the birds were hit full pattern.


Best killing cartridge for 20 bore had to be 28g wincester AA+ 7.5 shot until they discontinued them.

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  On 05/09/2010 at 10:13, rabpete said:

Nothing wrong with clear pigeon, as others have said its the person behind the gun. Needs to take account of cartridge speed. I know from experience that the speed of the cartridge mades a difference, had fired 50 shots one day with a good kill ratio when I switched cartridges, next ten shots I hit nothing, started given the pigeons another 12 to 18 inches of lead and hey presto the birds were hit full pattern.


Best killing cartridge for 20 bore had to be 28g wincester AA+ 7.5 shot until they discontinued them.

Thanks for that mate, I,ll try a bit more lead and see how I got on. Thats what the forum is all about, learning. :thumbs:

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using a mixed bag of eley hi-flyer 32 grm 6's, lyvale express supergame 32 grm 5's, caledonian classics 30 grm 5's, lyvale express 30 grm 6's, eley v.i.p 28 grm 6's and any left over 28grm 7.5's clay shells go in aswell, all have killed pigeons, but only use the clay shells if decoying them close

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