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My dog just caught a rabbit in the field behind my house, tried to get him to retrive it but he just licks it n bites it, not sure if this could turn in to a bad habbit, it doesn't do the rabit meet any good, 12 months old, ATB dan

do you put pennut butter on your balls for him :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

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My dog just caught a rabbit in the field behind my house, tried to get him to retrive it but he just licks it n bites it, not sure if this could turn in to a bad habbit, it doesn't do the rabit meet any good, 12 months old, ATB dan

do you put pennut butter on your balls for him :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:



I like your style,,,

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well at least you know hes keen now!!

dependant on what you want from your dog heres what i would be doing in your position! this is only my opinion and how i run dogs but i think your i need of a little help!!


first things first teach your dog manners this in my books is a very vital part of a working lurcher(i.e sit,stay,recall,and walking to heel)and above all stock break them!!!!


once your hound has mastered theses then move on to retriving work throwing a rabbit skin dummy or(throwing a ball or any other item the dog happily chases and wants you to throw again) this can be a slow process but once its mastered it will make your lamping so much more enjoyable!!


step three take the dog out in the field at night with the dummy and throw it shining the lamp were it lands this teaches the dog to look down the beam! again can be a slow process but helps the dog learn the lamp!!


then and only then would i enter the dog in the field to live quarry( and the rest as they say is history the dog can only teach itself how to do the job after this but at least you planted the seeds!! i hope this helps dan i know your keen to get out in the field and do abit but if you take abit of tim and training you'll reap the benifits for years to come!!

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Thanks cooper, he's got good manners now, going to work the re call allot now n hold the rabbits, was going to have him out with the ferrets in a few weeks, is this not such a great idea, don't want to make things worse, I'm happy to hold him back for a while longer, want to do it all properly n end up with a great worker at the end, thanks Dan

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Thanks cooper, he's got good manners now, going to work the re call allot now n hold the rabbits, was going to have him out with the ferrets in a few weeks, is this not such a great idea, don't want to make things worse, I'm happy to hold him back for a while longer, want to do it all properly n end up with a great worker at the end, thanks Dan


anyone with a lurcher pup they are desperate to use this season, learn from this guy and his patience. well done mate.

Edited by unknown
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Thanks cooper, he's got good manners now, going to work the re call allot now n hold the rabbits, was going to have him out with the ferrets in a few weeks, is this not such a great idea, don't want to make things worse, I'm happy to hold him back for a while longer, want to do it all properly n end up with a great worker at the end, thanks Dan


personally i would take it one step at a time so as not to confuse matters!! i would train the dog to do all these things i described above before entering to live quarry!

for example if the dog catches a rabbit out ferreting and dosent retrive it the message that gives the dog is that thats what its ment to do!!!a small thing to you is a big thing to a dog in training!!

its your decision and im sure there are lots of other views on this subject but thats my advice!! :thumbs:


if you get stuck pm me and i'll try and help you along the way!!!

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You should be ok to just turn around and run away the dog should follow you. I once had a black lab that WOULD NOT retrieve just ran about playing with it i took a extra tennis ball in my pocket then gave the recall when she started to run around mad i threw the ball that hit her on the arse she came straight back and that was the start of a wonderful life of picking up at some top shoots in the area. Good luck dont give up as its a very important part of lurcher work.

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My dog just caught a rabbit in the field behind my house, tried to get him to retrive it but he just licks it n bites it, not sure if this could turn in to a bad habbit, it doesn't do the rabit meet any good, 12 months old, ATB dan



i was having the same problem with my dog mate, she would retrieve balls and dummys but not live rabbits. i took her out

with a couple of experienced dogs and let her watch them catch and retrieve, 1st slip she caught and brought it straight back

live 2 hand and not looked back since. hope this helps mate.

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well at least you know hes keen now!!

dependant on what you want from your dog heres what i would be doing in your position! this is only my opinion and how i run dogs but i think your i need of a little help!!


first things first teach your dog manners this in my books is a very vital part of a working lurcher(i.e sit,stay,recall,and walking to heel)and above all stock break them!!!!


once your hound has mastered theses then move on to retriving work throwing a rabbit skin dummy or(throwing a ball or any other item the dog happily chases and wants you to throw again) this can be a slow process but once its mastered it will make your lamping so much more enjoyable!!


step three take the dog out in the field at night with the dummy and throw it shining the lamp were it lands this teaches the dog to look down the beam! again can be a slow process but helps the dog learn the lamp!!


then and only then would i enter the dog in the field to live quarry( and the rest as they say is history the dog can only teach itself how to do the job after this but at least you planted the seeds!! i hope this helps dan i know your keen to get out in the field and do abit but if you take abit of tim and training you'll reap the benifits for years to come!!

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