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Pakistan pakistan Pakistan

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All i here on redio ,tv is pakistan this ,pakistan that. Always hold hand out to beg. If such country has nuclear plant, feed insugen with ammo & weapon in afganistan, because can afford to give such luxury away, why they ask us to help ?? Always begg in street, need this & that. I see bigest house , big gates & fancy fens, mercedes & ferrari , range rover sport car in garden in leeds , also wakefield of pakistanni area, maybe if so rich they help lots with fello country men.

I also see supermarkety have bucket for donation ,by cash out!! is empty :thumbs: I think we no what money for here maybe :icon_eek::gunsmilie:


When i ask paki shop keeper what he give, he shrug shoulder, say all my land is flood, what can i do ! I ask, you donate big bucks,yes. He say :feck: they work for me, i no pay for nothing , is like give bonus for do no work on land :blink: & they want us to help :hmm:

Edited by clint
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30 millon people in china affected by flooding and mud slides did they go begging to the west NO also kuwaite an oil rich country have only gave them 3 million but cash strapped u.k has gave them 60 millon of taxpayers money wile at the same time saying the new drug for bowel cancer is too exspensive:wallbash: :wallbash::censored: :censored:

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poacher 3161 just going 2 post simular ?


see pakis in 4ok plus cars everyday i bet my bottom dollar they wont be sending a penny

also heard British goverment send 18 million WTF and pensioners cant afford too put fire

on in winter :thumbdown::censored::no:

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i wouldnt give them a reek of my shite.hope the whole country gets flooded under water.why should we bail them out and as for that guy from dragons den saying we should be ashamed at not doing enough why dont he give away his millions he has made from this country to help his kins folk!as clint said if they can afford a nuclear weapons programme then they should be on their own.

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