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Just had an odd one

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A few minutes ago I went to re-fill the air tank on my Logun Eagle, it was 10 days ago that I last re-filled it. Connected up the air line to my bottle and opened the tap, air was rushing out of the barrel, ie going into the tank, through the valve and straight up the spout.


All I can assume is that when I uncocked the rifle on Wednesday once I'd finished with the bunnies the valve hadn't quite shut and over the next few days happily emptied the rifle.


I got the valve to shut by opening up the tap from the bottle and at about 100bar on the gauge the valve snapped shut and the rifle filled as normal.


I'll have to keep an eye on this one, and not uncock the rifle as normal, instead dry fire it.

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Hi Alan :gunsmilie:


There is also the possability that you have a failure in a seal.

All it takes is a minute piece of grit to enter when out in the field or even when filling to cause a very slow but progressivley worse leak. Or even natural seal degradation, how old is the rifle?

As you say, keep an eye on the pressure and monitor it for a few weeks and if it happens again replace the seals.


Keep us informed buddy.



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I don't know how old the rifle is, probably a few year old given that most of the online stuff about it is 05/06 sort of time, got it second hand in March without any real history.


At a few years old it could be natural failure of a seal, I've known them go much sooner on other mechanical items.


What got me was the way it stopped leaking suddenly when the pressure increased. That either says a sticky valve or a knackered seal which bulged under pressure.

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sticking valve :thumbs:


my logun pro used to do this from time to time.........hasnt done it for a long time now.


you watch it will now......... hpfff :doh:



blown a seal ???????.........note to self........must add "NO BEASTIALITY" to the rules :laugh:

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