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itallion greyhound

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Guest little lurcher

theyre not worth a toss,unless the ground you work as a surface like old trafford and no obstacles,jesus i can imagine taking one o them lamping,it would break its neck jumping out the fecking van :thumbs:


Why? whippets don't, greyhounds don't (always :D )

Its all relative mate, Little light dogs only needs little light frames

I accept they would only be able to do rabbits.

But if there was a decent working strain going id try one

Imagine how a tiny dog of that size would be able to turn.

Lots of lads on here sport massive bull crosses when all we can legally hunt is rabbits and rats. ;)

Sledge hammer and brass tacks spring to mind.

Im not knocking anyone its just my opinion.



if we qoute from the breed standard then ,they should by rights look like a miniature greyhound , therefore giving no more risk jumping than a grey pup? however reality strikes and the danger is they can break legs jumping stairs and off furniture etc , make your own judgement as to why that happens

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so does that beddy you have on your avatar but who cares!

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theyre not worth a toss,unless the ground you work as a surface like old trafford and no obstacles,jesus i can imagine taking one o them lamping,it would break its neck jumping out the fecking van :thumbs:


Why? whippets don't, greyhounds don't (always :D )

Its all relative mate, Little light dogs only needs little light frames

I accept they would only be able to do rabbits.

But if there was a decent working strain going id try one

Imagine how a tiny dog of that size would be able to turn.

Lots of lads on here sport massive bull crosses when all we can legally hunt is rabbits and rats. ;)

Sledge hammer and brass tacks spring to mind.

Im not knocking anyone its just my opinion.


ive booked a pup from the tiniest whippet bitch ive ever seen, it'll be at least a year, maybe 2 before she has a litter, shes reg + everything, she is between italian greyhound size and normal whippet size, dont quite know what i'll use pup for yet, maybe a little rabbiting, probably just be a pet,but i wouldnt entirely discount a large italian greyhound as a worker, on level ground anyway :yes:

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theyre not worth a toss,unless the ground you work as a surface like old trafford and no obstacles,jesus i can imagine taking one o them lamping,it would break its neck jumping out the fecking van :thumbs:


Why? whippets don't, greyhounds don't (always :D )

Its all relative mate, Little light dogs only needs little light frames

I accept they would only be able to do rabbits.

But if there was a decent working strain going id try one

Imagine how a tiny dog of that size would be able to turn.

Lots of lads on here sport massive bull crosses when all we can legally hunt is rabbits and rats. ;)

Sledge hammer and brass tacks spring to mind.

Im not knocking anyone its just my opinion.



if we qoute from the breed standard then ,they should by rights look like a miniature greyhound , therefore giving no more risk jumping than a grey pup? however reality strikes and the danger is they can break legs jumping stairs and off furniture etc , make your own judgement as to why that happens


Probably because the pet and show brigade have f****d another breed up by inbreeding to some stupid standard rather than to produce healthy non leg snapping stock. :thumbs:

All the ruined breeds should be left to die out or.... out crossed until they produce healthy stock once more...

Im off to find a small cocker to save the C.K.C spaniel now.......

I hate the look of them wheezing bug eyed freaks.

Then i'll turn my attention to the once proud english bull dog by introducing pit bull blood to give us a national dog to be proud of instead of that abortion of an excuse that woddles around like a condom filled with jelly with a heart condition....

Then its the Itailan greyhounds turn by introducing abit of coursing whippet every 3rd generation.....

f**k IT Im of to punch something.................... :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:

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theyre not worth a toss,unless the ground you work as a surface like old trafford and no obstacles,jesus i can imagine taking one o them lamping,it would break its neck jumping out the fecking van :thumbs:


Why? whippets don't, greyhounds don't (always :D )

Its all relative mate, Little light dogs only needs little light frames

I accept they would only be able to do rabbits.

But if there was a decent working strain going id try one

Imagine how a tiny dog of that size would be able to turn.

Lots of lads on here sport massive bull crosses when all we can legally hunt is rabbits and rats. ;)

Sledge hammer and brass tacks spring to mind.

Im not knocking anyone its just my opinion.



if we qoute from the breed standard then ,they should by rights look like a miniature greyhound , therefore giving no more risk jumping than a grey pup? however reality strikes and the danger is they can break legs jumping stairs and off furniture etc , make your own judgement as to why that happens


Probably because the pet and show brigade have f****d another breed up by inbreeding to some stupid standard rather than to produce healthy non leg snapping stock. :thumbs:

All the ruined breeds should be left to die out or.... out crossed until they produce healthy stock once more...

Im off to find a small cocker to save the C.K.C spaniel now.......

I hate the look of them wheezing bug eyed freaks.

Then i'll turn my attention to the once proud english bull dog by introducing pit bull blood to give us a national dog to be proud of instead of that abortion of an excuse that woddles around like a condom filled with jelly with a heart condition....

Then its the Itailan greyhounds turn by introducing abit of coursing whippet every 3rd generation.....

f**k IT Im of to punch something.................... :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:

an that my friends is the reason theyre not worth a toss :notworthy: i couldnt of put it better myself mate,good luck on your quest to rid the world of these freaks :laugh:

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theyre not worth a toss,unless the ground you work as a surface like old trafford and no obstacles,jesus i can imagine taking one o them lamping,it would break its neck jumping out the fecking van :thumbs:



:thumbs:LOL. ....... what you wanting to run (MICE) and as for oldest breed known im sure thats the suluki mate

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theyre not worth a toss,unless the ground you work as a surface like old trafford and no obstacles,jesus i can imagine taking one o them lamping,it would break its neck jumping out the fecking van :thumbs:



:thumbs:LOL. ....... what you wanting to run (MICE) and as for oldest breed known im sure thats the suluki mate



MICE????......try sweetie mice! They are a toy breed arn't they? Too many health problems in store too.

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just with research tbh , the tombs of the pharoahs contained paintings of what seems to be the italian grey , they gained there name via their popularity in the renaissance period and are pictured in many classic paintings of that period



this is from wikipedia



SORRY YOU TRUST WIKIPEDIA LORD HELP US..you can put whatever you want on that.

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I've met a few pet IG's. Shivery timid little things ... can't imagine one being able to do anything unless it was a warm, mild spring day.


I've seen a couple of whippets that look nearly IG size but then most do next to my mammoth brute :laugh:

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I have known a couple of kc "SHOWERS"Say they have had italian greyhounds,breaking legs jumping of the sofa,or running into the hoover. :icon_eek:


I reckon whilst breeding would have a huge effect on making them too fragile, show owners also seem to keep the animals penned up in a house all the time, in case it gets dirty or scratched, then the thing goes mental and sprints into the hoover

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Before reading this thread and looking them up,as i've never seen a italian grey in the flesh I did'nt realise they were a toy breed! I don't understand toy breeds full stop but to have one that looks should be able to do something beggars belief.

(I understand old ladies want K9 company)

It genuinly angers me that people breed dogs that are not sound for generation after generation but the most irritating thing is they could all be put right with out crosses and careful breeding.

But then again why bother if all they do is sit in some old ladys house all day.

This thread has it a nerve with me.

Abolish the kennel club

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