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EX working dogs

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end of there career is the end of the line im afraid our hounds we will take lines from them durign there working lifes but when they slow down im afraid we pts same with the terriers it isnt an easy thing to do granted but at the end of the day a dog that has worked hard and is use to when the trailer pulls into the yard thinking thats me im off hunting to be then left alone week in week out because he is retired cant be fair or nice to the dog either we breed every yr as should every proper worker of dogs as you can soon loose a few and every season sadly we pts a few thats dog work for us to keep them all we would need a very large fire place i must add though it has been known for an old hound or terrier to live out his life roaming the yard free only time they are locked up is when the trailer is loading up for the day


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My ex working dogs are always found little jobs to do around the house, just to them occupied. Denzil was a full time plaster in his line of work, so if theres any fillering or stuff like that, he's a

no room in my kennels for ex-working dogs,sorry but that's how it is

....give me a shout when the time comes and your oldies can come over here and live with me. Is it a deal..?

end of there career is the end of the line im afraid our hounds we will take lines from them durign there working lifes but when they slow down im afraid we pts same with the terriers it isnt an easy thing to do granted but at the end of the day a dog that has worked hard and is use to when the trailer pulls into the yard thinking thats me im off hunting to be then left alone week in week out because he is retired cant be fair or nice to the dog either we breed every yr as should every proper worker of dogs as you can soon loose a few and every season sadly we pts a few thats dog work for us to keep them all we would need a very large fire place i must add though it has been known for an old hound or terrier to live out his life roaming the yard free only time they are locked up is when the trailer is loading up for the day


I think you have to be realistic when it comes to dogs that have come to the end of their working days, not everyone can afford them the luxury of the paddock or sofa and yes I totally agree with your views regarding this issue; it’s a very touchy subject.


On one hand we have a dog that has enriched our lives and has become part of the family, I think that only the owner will know how best to handle this situation when it arises, and I am sure that he will have the dogs best interest at heart.

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Hounds are different I think...There used to the pack way of life, living, hunting...thats there whole being. It might sound wrong to put them down but in fact its probably best. I know a huntsman who tried to rehome several hounds years ago after they were retired, but in the long run being put down was a better option as most of them went crazy at being cooped up and alone, and either eventually got pts anyway, or got killed after breaking out and heading for traffic.


But as for a lurcher, or terrier....I dont see how anybody who bred and reared a dog, or even bought one at whatever stage in its life, could have it put down after spending all those old windy nights and frosty mornings together....


My mate has a retired lurcher who fills the house with the smell of burning all winter, as the fire sparks on her hairy deer hound coat and she refuses to move!

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Guest Buttermilk

Hounds are different I think...There used to the pack way of life, living, hunting...thats there whole being. It might sound wrong to put them down but in fact its probably best. I know a huntsman who tried to rehome several hounds years ago after they were retired, but in the long run being put down was a better option as most of them went crazy at being cooped up and alone, and either eventually got pts anyway, or got killed after breaking out and heading for traffic.


But as for a lurcher, or terrier....I dont see how anybody who bred and reared a dog, or even bought one at whatever stage in its life, could have it put down after spending all those old windy nights and frosty mornings together....


My mate has a retired lurcher who fills the house with the smell of burning all winter, as the fire sparks on her hairy deer hound coat and she refuses to move!



Well said.....

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Guest Buttermilk

no room in my kennels for ex-working dogs,sorry but that's how it is



....give me a shout when the time comes and your oldies can come over here and live with me. Is it a deal..?

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Guest fence_hopper

i phone the dog warden to come get them.



































only messin, my smelly old mut chilling out the front free to do as he pleases


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It's hard some times but desiions have to be made young and old

had a litter to the vets the other day one had a bad hart vet

ask what i wanted to do , asked him life span of the pup ,

could not say for sure but short and medication i got

it pts but in the case of older dogs id like to think

i could give them a few years to pay back the time they

gave me , my opinion every one to their own, ;) ,

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no room in my kennels for ex-working dogs,sorry but that's how it is



....give me a shout when the time comes and your oldies can come over here and live with me. Is it a deal..?

don't try and be a bloody martyr,just saying what people like to hear is not the answer,even if it was meant,never gonna happen


That's a bit harsh. Sounded like a genuine offer to me. Buttermilk does do a lot of work to re-home ex working dogs.

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no room in my kennels for ex-working dogs,sorry but that's how it is



....give me a shout when the time comes and your oldies can come over here and live with me. Is it a deal..?

don't try and be a bloody martyr,just saying what people like to hear is not the answer,even if it was meant,never gonna happen


without it turning into a slagging match,can i ask why you wouldnt even consider it?whats it to you if your gonna get it PTS anyway.as i said im not being smart just asking mate.

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no room in my kennels for ex-working dogs,sorry but that's how it is



....give me a shout when the time comes and your oldies can come over here and live with me. Is it a deal..?

don't try and be a bloody martyr,just saying what people like to hear is not the answer,even if it was meant,never gonna happen


without it turning into a slagging match,can i ask why you wouldnt even consider it?whats it to you if your gonna get it PTS anyway.as i said im not being smart just asking mate.

il tell you what i told her

what i do with my dogs at the end of their working days is down to me and me only,i look after my dogs almost as much as i do my kids,they want for nothing and work hard,when the time has come it will be me doing the necessary not some cocked up vet in a white coat with the dog in unfamiliar surroundings shitting itself,f**k me i have heard some stories about vets putting dogs down that screw it up enough to make your toes curl, there's no way my dogs going down that road end of




obviously this is a short version of how i feel about it,and no its not big and its not clever

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Guest fence_hopper

the only time i'd put a dog that has earned its retirement to sleep is when there legs go, carnt stand these selfish people who keep there dogs going and going when there obviously in pain :blink:

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all retired dogs down my way are sold to the local chinese restaurant.For some unknown reason they like to take care of old dogs .I had a take away out of there last week and got something stuck in my tooth .I went to the dentist the next day and he pulled out a micro chip from a dog out of my tooth .Turned out to be the micro chip from my girl friends old poodle .Funny how things have a habit of biting you in the arse :icon_redface:

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