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The Death of Yugoslavia


Here's a link to the first part of the series on Youtube mate


If you want to watch it, watch each of the episodes in this order -


1. "Enter Nationalism"

2. "The Road to War"

3. "Wars of Independence"

4. "The Gates of Hell"

5. "A Safe Area"

6. "Pax Americana"


That's the order they should be watched in, there's about 5 parts to each of them, all of the links to each of the videos are on there. Bloody good doc I thought :good: .

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The most complex and messed up situation and one so few in the west understand. I lived there for a bit and have spent a lot of time there over the years and have many friends who were caught up in the war. It's truly horrifying and we in the west should hang our heads in shame that we did so little to help.

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The most complex and messed up situation and one so few in the west understand. I lived there for a bit and have spent a lot of time there over the years and have many friends who were caught up in the war. It's truly horrifying and we in the west should hang our heads in shame that we did so little to help.


very true mate :thumbs: and complex aint the word for it.Oh and its easy for the west to demonise the serbs but runs far deeper than that.

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The most complex and messed up situation and one so few in the west understand. I lived there for a bit and have spent a lot of time there over the years and have many friends who were caught up in the war. It's truly horrifying and we in the west should hang our heads in shame that we did so little to help.


very true mate :thumbs: and complex aint the word for it.Oh and its easy for the west to demonise the serbs but runs far deeper than that.



The whole thing was just pure horror mate, everyone suffered, but the largest suffering did fall on the Bosnian and Bosniak peoples, but there is blame all over and the west, in particular the dutch and french governments, are due a large helping. The thing most REALLY don't get is that the war isn't over, it's continuing in many ways, to this day. . . .


It's still my favorite part of the world. I'm heading back in the next month or so and can't wait!

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The most complex and messed up situation and one so few in the west understand. I lived there for a bit and have spent a lot of time there over the years and have many friends who were caught up in the war. It's truly horrifying and we in the west should hang our heads in shame that we did so little to help.


I agree that terrible things were done on all sides involved, but I do think that the Serbian people have been given a hard time over things that have also been done to them.


The people that should hang their heads in shame are the western media for their biased coverage of the war IMO.


As bad as it turned out to be, I don't think it's our responsibility to get involved in everyone else's disputes if I'm honest.

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The whole thing was just pure horror mate, everyone suffered, but the largest suffering did fall on the Bosnian and Bosniak peoples, but there is blame all over and the west, in particular the dutch and french governments, are due a large helping. The thing most REALLY don't get is that the war isn't over, it's continuing in many ways, to this day. . . .


It's still my favorite part of the world. I'm heading back in the next month or so and can't wait!


Many Many Bosnian Serbs suffered in the same way the Muslims did during those war(s), the Serb suffering was largely unreported though, unlike the Muslims where there was massive media coverage on places like Srebrenica etc. It's out there now if you look hard enough though for people to see that the Serbs suffered badly at the hands of Bosniaks and Croats.


I think Izetbegovic was the most sly and underhanded scheming one out of the lot who loved playing the victim. He would purposefully make out he liked the idea of one arrangement then back out at the last minute so the fighting would continue. His aim was for an all Bosniak (Muslim) Bosnia, when they were actually the minority and it is known that he had close relations with Iran and fanatical Islamic organisations. Even when they come to arrangements on what territory would go to what people, he even tried to give away area's that the Croats had fought hard for and gained, behind Tudjman's back lol.


He's sly devious b*****d.

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thanks fell really enjoyed watching them :thumbs: ,even with the usual biased bbc take on it.cant fault the serbs for wanting to defend their rights.certainly not as clear cut as the west made it out tobe saying its all the serbs fault.I do think there was a lot of underhanded dealings on both sides and a lot of personal polital gains going on,but i have always sympathised with serbs,and before the lefties attack me yea i think the killings of civillians was trully horrific but as previously stated both sides were at it.was a powder keg waiting to explode and the west fuelled the fires in a lot of aspects.i would be exactly the same if i was getting forced out of my home and the country i was born in.I also think it will flare up again at some point.

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