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Maggies new Season has started

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WARNING...this is a long write up with pictures at the bottom for those who cant be arsed to read :laugh:


Before i begin can i just say that today was all about pest control for the landowner i wouldnt normally ferret at this time of the year. The oppurtunity arose where i have just got access to land that is normally very jealously gaurded by the the landed gentleman and his keepers. i was given access to help eradicate rabbits from a future forestry planting and hopefully it will lead to greater things.

I had to borrow two ferrets from an absolute top bloke as my jill has a late litter and the two young albinos are still too young. Thanks again Trev.


The day started at 8.00am myself my lad and his saluki x, jet (3years old) and my kelpie x, maggie (16 months) arrived at the site. its has been cleared of timber and all of the brash burnt off. the sets were open and not deep but were split by a boundary fence so we would need to work either side of the fence occasionally.


As we approached we could see several rabbits dissapear down the nearest corner set. Now mags hasnt been out since march apart from bushing and even then i think she was out only 4 times, so i had a bit of a job on with her trying to slope off with her head down hunting up as she has been doing all summer so i wasnt suprised at this. we got netted up and the bunnies bolted well and the dogs covered ok maggie was using her feet to pin them but by the third set she had remembered she had teeth

. just as we had about 4 out the gamekeeper turned up he hadnt been told by his boss that we were coming and he wasnt happy but i dont think keepers are a very happy breed in general. he was fine with us but for a little fella he had a big voice :wallbash: . so we pulled up and moved on.


The next few sets were equally as good and maggie started to see the point of hanging around the sets to see what happened she is a very bright little dog and her and big jet never mis marked all day which is a pleasure. Jet was outstanding today he had some crashing courses and caught a couple of bolters and fluffed another one but he did it in style. the landowner joined us with his shotgun but i didnt want him using it around the lurchers so he sat and watched for a bit before venturing off and blasting some bunnies further on. Sir . . . . . is an absolute gentleman and at 71 he looks bloody ten years younger than me.


We broke for lunch with a head count of 21. all morning i watched maggie develop into a working lurcher. the months of obedience and agility classes coupled with hard exercise have helped build a bond between us she knows to look for instruction and today it was happening. she caught some outstanding snatches where a rabbit had skipped the nets and on one set we didnt net but let the dogs work it. jet dissapeared into a covered shuck (stream) at full speed, head over heels he was soaked and looked even more puzzled than he does normally. Maggies biggest fault at the moment is running alongside the rabbits with her mouth open looking like she will strike and then doesnt this will rectify itself im sure as her confidence builds.


My lad had a few oppurtunitys to do his party trick and pull rabbits out of holes as the backed up behind each other he is a very fit lad and throws himself about a bit. :thumbs:


The ferrets were excellent hard working and fast and killed in once but it was at the end of the day so who cares a bit of a dig turned up nothing and then maggie marked a bolt hole and there was the ferret so out he came no harm done. the dogs caught a few myxied rabbits which we dispatched and threw away but the majority of the rabbits were full to 3/4 grown, we did get a couple of half grown but saw no little ones. every rabbit caught will be eaten by ferrets, dogs and us, a few have gone to friends.Final head count was 36 i didnt count them the lad did so dont blame me if there are 35 or 37 in the picture :laugh:


The team



Bat lugs taking off




Bob and maggie synchronised jumping, nowt to do with today but i love the picture




jet staring off into the distance to see if the ice cream man is coming



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Excellent read and well written. The dogs a credit to you. Most lurchers do that open mouth thing at the beginning as your probably aware as for keepers......... waste of good skin mate. They hate seeing someone doing their job as they see it better than them.

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It was an excellent day, me and the lad have had our differences in the past but hunting has always been our mainstay and my love of the life has been passed down to him and i hope one day his kids might do the same and i suppose thats how it goes.


chuffed to bits with the dogs they were spot on, maggie is going to be a classic ferreting dog in another year or two she will be indespensible.


thanks for the comments lads i love writing this stuff up

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It was an excellent day, me and the lad have had our differences in the past but hunting has always been our mainstay and my love of the life has been passed down to him and i hope one day his kids might do the same and i suppose thats how it goes.


chuffed to bits with the dogs they were spot on, maggie is going to be a classic ferreting dog in another year or two she will be indespensible.


thanks for the comments lads i love writing this stuff up


Keep them coming mate.

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things look good then . i hav a lot of permishion me self ferret lamping , have a sheppid friend up scotland who is owner and keeper lets him do what he wants hush hash :thumbs: its a good old travel but well worth it and i tend to over me say coz game game is plenty and i can not get me self to pull away :censored:


:icon_eek::blink: Last orders..... last orders.....

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Good stuff mate, nice to hear the little dog is coming on and im sure she will make the grade. I often take a mate who shoots but it is well organised, my old black ACD would sit beside you until you shot a rabbit then sent him for it, the youngster hasnt had that training or experience yet, but come September she will. All the best WR.

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