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fittness for 10 months old dog

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Large dogs don't finish their skeletal growth until they are at least 14 months old, some breeds not until 18 months. They then need to bulk up over the next year. Even then, an 18 month old large lurcher won't be properly mature until it is 3 years old.


I'd keep biking to a couple of miles per session at the moment, at a steady, not fast, trot. Trotting on roads is jarring to the joints as well and his growth plates (the spongy bits at the ends of his leg bones where the bone growth comes from) won't have grown out and hardened off. Also, too much biking can build up the wrong sort of muscle. I once biked a 3/4 Grey/1/4Collie for 5 miles a day every day for over a month. She loved it but when it came to coursing she was so muscle bound that she lacked stamina and turning ability. Eased off to biking only once or twice a week for 3 miles at a time and she came back to being able to gallop properly.

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alright just wondering how far to take dog out on bike ready for first season ? he's a salkui bull greyhound

Is it a tandum?


Quite tickled me did that remark even though you spelt it wrong :tongue2:

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alright just wondering how far to take dog out on bike ready for first season ? he's a salkui bull greyhound

Is it a tandum?


Quite tickled me did that remark even though you spelt it wrong :tongue2:


OK smart arse, how you spell it then??? Tandem maybe???

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Guest Buttermilk

alright just wondering how far to take dog out on bike ready for first season ? he's a salkui bull greyhound

Is it a tandum?


Quite tickled me did that remark even though you spelt it wrong :tongue2:


OK smart arse, how you spell it then??? Tandem maybe???


Yes.....tandEM. But don't be defensive, I think it's very funny too. :yes:

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alright just wondering how far to take dog out on bike ready for first season ? he's a salkui bull greyhound

Is it a tandum?


Quite tickled me did that remark even though you spelt it wrong :tongue2:


OK smart arse, how you spell it then??? Tandem maybe???


Yes.....tandEM. But don't be defensive, I think it's very funny too. :yes:


Thank you Buttermilk :tongue2:

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skycat , i dont understand how jogging yr dog can build the wrong sort of muscle ??????? this just doesnt make sence , ihave always jogged my dogs , and they often do up to 10 mile , and it hasnt stopped them running turning , infact the fitter they get the better they run , i think the problem would of been yr dogs feet, a month without a day off is a lot of work and the dogs pads may have been tender , this would stop it turning aswel as it could ,,,its probably had sore muscles aswell , been flat as a fart , you have to remeber their dogs not machines , its done a 140 mile without a rest , its got to take its tole ?


Jogging a dog to fitnes has to be done at a steady rate , building the miles up with the dogs fitnes 5 mile every day for a month is just to much !


A lot of people on here give the wrong advice to people , when they dont really know what they are doin themselves ,


Some of the very best conditioners of dogs iv met , all jog there dogs wether it be saluki x dogs , bull x dogs , lurcher to lurcher x dont matter they all do it as long as its done right it works !!!


ETA Before every one jumps on my post , yes nothing beats running game to get them fully fit , jogging just gets them ready to run and helps keep them at full fitnes if it done right , :victory:

Edited by ROBERTO M
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skycat , i dont understand how jogging yr dog can build the wrong sort of muscle ??????? this just doesnt make sence , ihave always jogged my dogs , and they often do up to 10 mile , and it hasnt stopped them running turning , infact the fitter they get the better they run , i think the problem would of been yr dogs feet, a month without a day off is a lot of work and the dogs pads may have been tender , this would stop it turning aswel as it could ,,,its probably had sore muscles aswell , been flat as a fart , you have to remeber their dogs not machines , its done a 140 mile without a rest , its got to take its tole ?


Jogging a dog to fitnes has to be done at a steady rate , building the miles up with the dogs fitnes 5 mile every day for a month is just to much !


A lot of people on here give the wrong advice to people , when they dont really know what they are doin themselves ,


Some of the very best conditioners of dogs iv met , all jog there dogs wether it be saluki x dogs , bull x dogs , lurcher to lurcher x dont matter they all do it as long as its done right it works !!!


ETA Before every one jumps on my post , yes nothing beats running game to get them fully fit , jogging just gets them ready to run and helps keep them at full fitnes if it done right , :victory:



Well said mate..the top and bottom of it is that rest is as important as the work load given to a dog whether that be when tuning the dog up or when it's fully fit..i've seen many a dog run flat as a pancake when it's supposedly super fit..without a doubt it had gone over the top,getting a dog fit isn't hard,keeping it at it's peak over a longer period of time ie: several months is the true sign of a good "conditioner" :thumbs:

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