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Dead Rabbits

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Just been up to top fields and lurcher bitch nails a rabbit in the long grass. Watched it happen and thought it strange as theres not masses of rabbits here and i was on the quad about 10 yards away. Picked the rabbit up and necked it but this bitch has no expierience at all and i was amazed that she had caughed it let alone almost killed it. It only moved a couple of yards, she is a quick bitch but with no expierience i thought that it must have been an ill rabit and expected to find it full of mixi.

On inspection there was nothing, good clear eyes and no damage to it. It was a young doe so just thought the bitch got lucky and praised her well.

Anyway, 30yrds further on, a dead rabbit lying in open ground, now this has me worried, no sign of a strugle a bit of fur around but no more than you would expect from a rabbit grooming itself. I thought again mixi, picked it up and not long dead, no sign of blue bottle eggs or maggots, not even flies on it and it was flexible. Nice clear eyes and no lumps or bumps and looked like a young but full grown buck.

On way back found another area where there was some fur and looked as tho the fox had picked one up. All in same small field, bit baffeled by this, any one got any ideas?


Cheers bob

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Do you reckon it could of been gassed rabbits?

I have no idea about the gassing of rabbits so I am just thinking of what it could potentially be.


If not then I am out of ideas.

Strange though,



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Dont know much about that myself, but this is on my land and theres no one hunting or doing pest control here except myself.

Good thought tho, but think its unlikely


Cheers bob

or so you think .Try going up at night?

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Dont know much about that myself, but this is on my land and theres no one hunting or doing pest control here except myself.

Good thought tho, but think its unlikely


Cheers bob

or so you think .Try going up at night?



Dont worry will be tonight ;)


Still even if there was someone there, there was no marks, neck intact, and no dog prints or foot prints around it. Also no true hunter would leave carcuses about and certainly no good poarcher. Like i said it was in the open close to a hedge, and what about the live one?


Cheers bob

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Have you tried skinning one to look for damage? It could be anything killing them, stoats, buzzards, foxes etc. They will sit tight in long grass so even an inexperienced dog can catch them pretty easily nevermind an animal/bird trying to survive.

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Have you tried skinning one to look for damage? It could be anything killing them, stoats, buzzards, foxes etc. They will sit tight in long grass so even an inexperienced dog can catch them pretty easily nevermind an animal/bird trying to survive.



Yes skinned the the dead one and the one the dog caught, two small holes to rear and hemorrage to chest area of the dead one which to me would indicate possible bird attack, no damage to one dog caught, therfore possible good catch by dog, but stil puzzeled why any predator would have left them un touched, even the young one i found last night as they dont kill for the sake of it. If the one the dog had did just squat. it had loads of time to run as id been on the quad and it would have heard me long before i got there.


Cheers bob

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A predator would be spooked off by the quad leaving it's prey behind. A rabbit especially young ones will sit very tight in long grass, the old i can't see you so you can't see me trick :thumbs: Also if you were between a rabbit and it's burrow it will sit till you go past. I suspect you are worrying about nothing. :yes:

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