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Being chased by livestock

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used to do a feild full of sheep with my father and if they heard the pellets rattling in the tin they would follow you and i mean there was thousands of the f*cks just following you everywere :thumbdown: what made it fun eas that my dad is scared of them and he would be shitting himself so much he coldent hold steady for a shot so i got to take them all :boogie:



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Every year one of the landowners I work for buys in a good few fattening calfs, the pasture they are turned out on just happens to have stacks of rabbits on it, but the cows are really protective of the calves, so you get a bit of stick from them if they clock you. An old boy told me to throw mole hill muck on the cows heads, I've only tried it once, because there was only one mole hill near me, and it seemed to work, or maybe I'm just lucky :D

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because im positive it was going to charge us :blink:




You should have told it to get stuffed, if the farmer said you could hunt for free :blink:




T A X I :icon_redface:

Hiya Tony,

haha, I would have paid for the bull to leave us alone :tongue2: , there was plenty rabbits in that field :thumbs:



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There will be very few hunting types that havent been chased by livestock at sometime.Ive had a cow press me up against a wall twice at night and it was a bit worrying,i had to drop the gun in the shit so i could get out of it.It only lasted a few seconds both times and dairy cattle are well mannered beasts that can be moved by a gentle push.

The worst was a night lamping with lurchers in the northumberland when a bull we didnt know was in a big field went absolutely mental.We let go off the dogs and luckily it took off after them instead of us.We jumped a dry stone wall abnd got the dogs back and this thing was going crazy,i thought it was going to have the wall down.You usually get followed by a herd of cows but i havent seen anything react like that.

One night on the Yorkshire dales i turned around to be faced by a dozen Highland Cattle.They were just following us but we didnt know the landowner had them,just a bit of a suprise.

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Have certainly done the 'Bovine Bog Run' a few times, as angry cows defend their calves. Not for a few years now, but when you have the combined weight of 50 odd angry cows bearing down on you, the weight of your kit plus newly acquired underpant ballast seems to disappear, replaced by a wish to survive!


Certainly keeps the heart going, that one!

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  • 4 weeks later...

been chased a fair few times. was out with the guns and 2 mates the cows were over the other side and did not think anything of it. next thing i turn round and there all power walking towards us my mates words was dont run so i stood my ground only to turn to look at my mates and see them half way to the gate! i have never ran so fast in my life :)

another we were out with the dogs, and in this field where we thought was empty. after getting in the middle i stood in something and found out it was cow sh*t! we turned the lamp on to find loads of eyes all round us and a sign saying bull in the field. had to jump in a thorn bush to escape that one lol. loads of times we have been chased by horses and the dogs have to so now i refuse to go in a field with them lol.

its not so bad when we have the shot gun though with the cows cause if they are real close to let a shot off and they move away:)

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