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Being chased by livestock

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hi all i was just reading something on another forum and i know its happened to me twice :icon_redface: who else has been chased by livestock or do you know a way of stopping them :hmm: i have 2 particularly cheeky horses that will ignore me throughout the day but come night they will charge at anyone :censored:

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I got stuck in a wooden shelter in the middle of a field, chased there by a couple of horses. Every time me or the dog stuck our noses out the biggest of the horses would start that teeth bared, flat eared, mad eyed, whickering thing. I was sh***ing myself. Bloody hate horses, i do.



I must have been there over an hour before it got bored and wandered off.

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I remember 1 very scary night.............i was crossing this field that i knew had a bull in it, i was half way across when i felt something creeping up behind me...it got closer and closer and i could smell the sweat and slavers. I quickend my pace but the footsteps got quicker, i turned around to see Earth, cock in one hand and waving with the other. f**k i ran like a bitch but he was quick. He would off caught me to if it wasn't for his leather pants getting caught round his ankles. I've never been back there... :no:

I've heard Topnotch has got the permission to hunt up there now, he takes a box of choclates and a jar of vaseline with him :bye:

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Had a nosey little Shetland Pony used to follow me around and try to knock me over just as I had the croshairs settled.


Stealthy has had a run in with cattle on occasions, he got the perfect preventative to stop em though :laugh:



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I remember 1 very scary night.............i was crossing this field that i knew had a bull in it, i was half way across when i felt something creeping up behind me...it got closer and closer and i could smell the sweat and slavers. I quickend my pace but the footsteps got quicker, i turned around to see Earth, cock in one hand and waving with the other. f**k i ran like a bitch but he was quick. He would off caught me to if it wasn't for his leather pants getting caught round his ankles. I've never been back there...

I've heard Topnotch has got the permission to hunt up there now, he takes a box of choclates and a jar of vaseline with him

pmsl :laugh::rofl:
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Me and a pal were shooting on my bosses farm a few years ago in a field of cows and calves, and a HUGE charolais bull started giving us the evil eyes. We tried our best just to ignore it and carry on walking but every time we looked back it was getting closer to us :icon_eek: it then dropped its head, started snorting and scraping the ground. Feck that for a game of soldiers, we hopped the fence into someone elses field. We were just lucky to be walking the fence line at the time, because im positive it was going to charge us :blink:



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