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well i've had over 30 pigeons so far this year overall and i've lost count of how many squirrels i've had but i've shot hardly any rabbits due to not having a reliable bunny permission. s400 is still as accurate as ever. i've recently built a hide (will put pics up later) a permanent one as it was created by my dad felling 2 trees in such a way that they knocked down another one and fell into a triangle which is a perfect shooting position covering 3 sides with sturdy rests and i have garnished it with plenty of branches. its perfect! it covers 3 sitty areas and i have decided to keep the top open as often the woodys come to roost right above my head!

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well i've had over 30 pigeons so far this year overall and i've lost count of how many squirrels i've had but i've shot hardly any rabbits due to not having a reliable bunny permission. s400 is still as accurate as ever. i've recently built a hide (will put pics up later) a permanent one as it was created by my dad felling 2 trees in such a way that they knocked down another one and fell into a triangle which is a perfect shooting position covering 3 sides with sturdy rests and i have garnished it with plenty of branches. its perfect! it covers 3 sitty areas and i have decided to keep the top open as often the woodys come to roost right above my head!



So no complaints on your patch then, nice :D

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The one thing I do like about this section is that the folks on here are a very positive bunch, and are passionate about thier shooting, and always pass this on to newcomers, who in turn go on to do well in their shooting, save paying £3.70 for a magazine eh! :D


OHHHHH YES (Best Churchil Mutt impersonation)


I don't buy the mags anymore, to little info, too many adds and way over priced!


Although I must admit, to having a quick gander at em sometimes in smiths.

The two new ones are supposed to be better I even went out and bought one of them (cuz there was some pix of me and the rest of UBC in it)





how vain....:sick: :11:




Nah not really, I'm the Club Secretary and we've had TWO Articals Published about the UBC now :victory:

I wrote one and MikeB (10M Comp Manager) wrote the second


Did you do any good? :D


Not too bad total body count of 20 :boogie: 14 of which were prevention rather than cure if you know what I mean :11: only 7 shots fired :victory:


Oh guess what I did today in Hull :whistling:

Apart from taking the wife to the court so she can submit the D8 forms :cry:


I bought a MAG :whistling:



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me and my shooting pal have had 112 rabbits this year so far and a small handfull of ferrals couple of woody's and a heap of corvids! the rabbit number is actualy very poor due to our efforts last year! we were getting 60 to 100 bags in one sitting through the day then night last year (wires and fenns working there to). struggling to get 20 in a sitting this year. i must say that there is a lot of young kits in those bags as its a clearance permission. this place was simply MOVING with bunnies that had never seen a lamp never heard a BSA R-10/ultra and never seen there mates being blowled over before! cant fault my R-10


regards P

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The one thing I do like about this section is that the folks on here are a very positive bunch, and are passionate about thier shooting, and always pass this on to newcomers, who in turn go on to do well in their shooting, save paying £3.70 for a magazine eh! :D


OHHHHH YES (Best Churchil Mutt impersonation)


I don't buy the mags anymore, to little info, too many adds and way over priced!


Although I must admit, to having a quick gander at em sometimes in smiths.

The two new ones are supposed to be better I even went out and bought one of them (cuz there was some pix of me and the rest of UBC in it)





how vain....:sick: :11:




Nah not really, I'm the Club Secretary and we've had TWO Articals Published about the UBC now :victory:

I wrote one and MikeB (10M Comp Manager) wrote the second


Did you do any good? :D


Not too bad total body count of 20 :boogie: 14 of which were prevention rather than cure if you know what I mean :11: only 7 shots fired :victory:


Oh guess what I did today in Hull :whistling:

Apart from taking the wife to the court so she can submit the D8 forms :cry:


I bought a MAG :whistling:





Where you in this mag by any chance :whistling:

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me and my shooting pal have had 112 rabbits this year so far and a small handfull of ferrals couple of woody's and a heap of corvids! the rabbit number is actualy very poor due to our efforts last year! we were getting 60 to 100 bags in one sitting through the day then night last year (wires and fenns working there to). struggling to get 20 in a sitting this year. i must say that there is a lot of young kits in those bags as its a clearance permission. this place was simply MOVING with bunnies that had never seen a lamp never heard a BSA R-10/ultra and never seen there mates being blowled over before! cant fault my R-10


regards P



Sounds like you have also had a good season :thumbs:

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well in terms of bag numbers i'll never be up there with some of you fellas, but in terms of sheer enjoyment its been a damn good season for me,the freezers nearly alwayshad meat in it tho, very happy with my kit, my permissions and its always a pleasure to get out and enjoy the countryside.


looks like my times getting a bit more limited for the immediate future tho, so hopefully that wont affect the season ahead...


cheers guys, wurz

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well in terms of bag numbers i'll never be up there with some of you fellas, but in terms of sheer enjoyment its been a damn good season for me,the freezers nearly alwayshad meat in it tho, very happy with my kit, my permissions and its always a pleasure to get out and enjoy the countryside.


looks like my times getting a bit more limited for the immediate future tho, so hopefully that wont affect the season ahead...


cheers guys, wurz



Numbers are definitely not where its at, like you say, its always nice to get out in some nice countryside and chill, and just whack whats there, nice to here your having a good season, seems we are all content with our season :)

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Where you in this mag by any chance :whistling:


Cheeky git :tongue2:

Nah I just wanted the chance to see if what I had been told about this mag being more for the shooter than the shopper.


Will make my mind up when I get to read it later this evening :D



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Where you in this mag by any chance :whistling:


Cheeky git :tongue2:

Nah I just wanted the chance to see if what I had been told about this mag being more for the shooter than the shopper.


Will make my mind up when I get to read it later this evening :D






Whats it called, and can I blag first read after you :D

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dont think me n wor kid can complain too much mate.....


New permissions, shed load of bunnies with the odd woody and corvid thrown in....... and the season aint finished yet! :thumbs:





You and your kid definitely have it made for this season :D

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