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gas ram tracker

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hi there has any body had any experience of a webley tacker 177 fitted with a gas ram .Ive recently bought one in good overall condition however when ive fitted a new telescopic sight ive found accuracy to be inconsistent eg 3 pellets on target then 4 flyers ,all shots taken from a cushioned rest at 20 yards. At first i thought iit could be the scope so i tried the scope off my hw95k which i know to be spot on. Same result 3 or 4 perfect shots followed by a load of flyers i know to solve this its a case of eliminating all possibillities so im guna start by cleaning the barrell if that dont sort it its got to be the piston seal there the only things i can think off however i know absolutely nowt about gas rams so if any body has some advice id be gratefull to hear it. :gunsmilie:

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is the loading tap working correctly.check for any movement.are the pellets your using seating correctly is it damaging the skirt when you close the tap...cover the tap with a slight coat of silicone grease then try.

has it got a silencer fitted is that loose?

do you want to sell it..

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Hi, mate, that's my old Tracker ain't it?


The piston seal's fine on that gun and the taps are never a perfect seal on any tap loading gun ever but it's well within limits on that one.


Go to a dive shop and get some pure silicon grease (as said), take the tap out and give it a light coating. That always helps. Don't use moly or lithium grease on the tap, they'll ignite under pressure, silicon won't


I never had the problem that you're suffering from with it. What pellets are you useing? I found the AA's that I gave you with the gun to work very well. Make sure all the stock scews are properly tight. Have you fitted a mod to it?


If you want to talk to me about it just drop me a PM if you've not got my number anymore. :thumbs:



Edited by andyfr1968
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