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wombe infection in jill?

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my little brother has two jills ones come out of season fine the others vent has become swollen red and has a bit of yellow discharge which could perhaps be dirty sawdust it picked up shes fine in every other way. i dont need any smart comments about jill jabs or cage hygene just helpful advice please. i was thinking of a course of some left over cat antibiotics (smaller dose obviouslie) i could gat hold of. id rather not get bolted up by a vet for a tenners worth of ferret.

thank you.

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my little brother has two jills ones come out of season fine the others vent has become swollen red and has a bit of yellow discharge which could perhaps be dirty sawdust it picked up shes fine in every other way. i dont need any smart comments about jill jabs or cage hygene just helpful advice please. i was thinking of a course of some left over cat antibiotics (smaller dose obviouslie) i could gat hold of. id rather not get bolted up by a vet for a tenners worth of ferret.

thank you.



Sounds like pyometra. If it's left then it can kill quite quickly through uterine rupture and peritonitis.

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Ive used human anti-biotics before now for the ferts, reducing the dosage by an eigth, the only "yes its ok" answer though can only come from yourself, or little brother, as if anything happened to the jill, would the pills/dosage be blamed, the person saying "go for it" or an infection in the jill :hmm:


it all depends really on what the jill is worth to you, not neccessarally in money value

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To be honest mate anyone who says they would rather not get it sorted out proper 'for a tenners worth of ferret' is a bit of a dick. If it was your dog it would be worth doing proper. but cos its a ferret that only cost you a tenner - well if it dies we can always get another right? :thumbdown:

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To be honest mate anyone who says they would rather not get it sorted out proper 'for a tenners worth of ferret' is a bit of a dick. If it was your dog it would be worth doing proper. but cos its a ferret that only cost you a tenner - well if it dies we can always get another right? :thumbdown:

this is the problem with this site. firstlie if you called me a dick to my face id leave you a right off.

secondlie i asked for advice. as far as possible i try to treat my dogs myself and a lot of the times you can. of course a ferrtes diffrent to a dog jus the same as a dogs diffrent to a race horse in value and a persons diffrent to a race horse in regards to the levels of treatment youd give.

thanks for your help all the best you big man.

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To be honest mate anyone who says they would rather not get it sorted out proper 'for a tenners worth of ferret' is a bit of a dick. If it was your dog it would be worth doing proper. but cos its a ferret that only cost you a tenner - well if it dies we can always get another right? :thumbdown:

this is the problem with this site. firstlie if you called me a dick to my face id leave you a right off.

secondlie i asked for advice. as far as possible i try to treat my dogs myself and a lot of the times you can. of course a ferrtes diffrent to a dog jus the same as a dogs diffrent to a race horse in value and a persons diffrent to a race horse in regards to the levels of treatment youd give.

thanks for your help all the best you big man.


thats rich coming from you with your past comments about northerns and jocks.get it to a vet or chap it on the head.

Edited by scothunter
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To be honest mate anyone who says they would rather not get it sorted out proper 'for a tenners worth of ferret' is a bit of a dick. If it was your dog it would be worth doing proper. but cos its a ferret that only cost you a tenner - well if it dies we can always get another right? :thumbdown:

this is the problem with this site. firstlie if you called me a dick to my face id leave you a right off.

secondlie i asked for advice. as far as possible i try to treat my dogs myself and a lot of the times you can. of course a ferrtes diffrent to a dog jus the same as a dogs diffrent to a race horse in value and a persons diffrent to a race horse in regards to the levels of treatment youd give.

thanks for your help all the best you big man.


Me the big man? Your the one who would leave me a 'right off' for telling you like it is. To be honest it doesn't matter what the financial value of the animal is, if it works and does a job for me than it is entitled to the best care i can achieve. I understand not wanting to rush to the vets with minor things but if she's got a fairly major infection, then your priority should be the animals welfare.

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There's an add in earth dog running dog magazine I believe selling all the antibiotics for dogs and ferrets , but if my jill isn't well and I think it's seriouse I go to the vets and if possible he will just give us what I need without a consultation , but if not possible I will take it in ,

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I know it's a vastly different species, but i had an Irish Wolfhound bitch that developed pyometra. I couldn't believe how fast she deteriorated just overnight. We got her to the vets first thing in the morning and it was only just in time. She had to be spayed, but that and antibiotic treatment saved her life.

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this is the problem with this site. firstlie if you called me a dick to my face id leave you a right off.

secondlie i asked for advice. as far as possible i try to treat my dogs myself and a lot of the times you can. of course a ferrtes diffrent to a dog jus the same as a dogs diffrent to a race horse in value and a persons diffrent to a race horse in regards to the levels of treatment youd give.

thanks for your help all the best you big man.


The problem with this site is the uncaring, parsimonious person that pisses about trying to get a cheap fix for a ferret on here, rather than getting their hand in their pocket and getting the thing to the vet.


You going to threaten me now, big fella? :tongue2:

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this is the problem with this site. firstlie if you called me a dick to my face id leave you a right off.

secondlie i asked for advice. as far as possible i try to treat my dogs myself and a lot of the times you can. of course a ferrtes diffrent to a dog jus the same as a dogs diffrent to a race horse in value and a persons diffrent to a race horse in regards to the levels of treatment youd give.

thanks for your help all the best you big man.


The problem with this site is the uncaring, parsimonious person that pisses about trying to get a cheap fix for a ferret on here, rather than getting their hand in their pocket and getting the thing to the vet.


You going to threaten me now, big fella? :tongue2:


my vas hob has devolped a lump on his side dunno what it is looks like a boil of sorts sure its full of fluid.not bothering him and he is eating and drinking and playing about,however he is off to vets next week to see what it is.im with you on that if you keep animals you should be prepared to put your hand in your pocket and if not dont keep them.

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