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hi, i have a jill and a polecat both been seperated due 2 having kits and when i try geting them bck in the same cage they just fight and fight so ive split them up agen but i was given a another jill and there perfect dont fight at all but when i put the polecat in there the old one just fights with her but put a white ferret in she perfect any one had this before??? :signthankspin:

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I had this when I got my new Jill, To be honest I just let them get on with it and they sorted themselves out within a couple of days.


Obviously if the ferrets are literally tearing chunks out of each other then I would go down a different route.


Just a guess but could dividing them by wire help them get used to each other without being able to fight? dont know how you would set it up but it shouldnt be to hard

Edited by Hob&Jill
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Guest Ditch_Shitter
hi, i have a jill and a polecat



:hmm: Ye might have worded that a shade more clearly, mate. 'Obviously' ye mean ye have two jills. One a polie, so the other - presumably - a white (or sandy). What ever: Two female ferrets. Bred from this year and now bitching when put together?


No problemmo. H & J there just about nails it. And if, as ye infer, ye had them in a smaller hutch and have now relocated to a bigger place? Really shouldn't be a problem at all.


Have they the oppertunity to nest seperatly, in the new, big place? That'll be the clincher. Just keep ye eye on all the little things that could force a confrontation - provide seperate bedding quarters. At least two points for feeding (I know; They'll drag it where they want it. Probably those seperate beds) and just leave them to it.


It'll be the post natal hormones: One's obviously a bit bitchy and thinks her young are still close enough by that this 'new' jill might be a threat to them. Women! :laugh:


They should settle down soon enough. I've kept veritable communes of ferrets together. Seperated for breeding. Then slung what ever I ended up with back into the group enclosure. Never a problem. You just got a touchy one there ;)

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hi there i started breeding ferrets this year i have 4xjills and 2x hobs now my two whites will live in the same hutch but my two darker ferrets will just attack i had to sell one male as he was not intrested in mating or defending him self now their all seperate :yahoo:

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