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whippet outdoors

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i surpose if we was brought up out side we would get used to it and its the same with animals. i went ferreting today on some ground by me about a 20 min walk and had 6 rabbits 4 of witch my dog caught the other to in the nets carnt wait until i get my camra for christmas :D

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Thanks again to those who have replied

Am i right in thinking "laguna" or "nimrodel" are kennels as opposed to actual bloodlines? what i mean is,in pit bulls for instance...a jeep dog is a line named after a dog....a mayfield dog is named after a man who specialises in a certain family of dogs....etc etc

Does this apply to these lines or are the names simply the kennels who bred them regardless of the family/line of dog they are from.

At a guess what is the average size of a coursing type whippet.

The outdoor thing i dont see being an issue with a nice warm heatlamp so ive got my head round that now.

The testicles thing ive never heard before,sounds a load of bollocks to me,sorry couldnt resist.

Interesting little dogs these...does money change hands at all at these races or is it just a bit of fun.

Sorry for all the questions but only one way to learn if you dont know,thanks again.

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  gnasher16 said:
Thanks again to those who have replied

Am i right in thinking "laguna" or "nimrodel" are kennels as opposed to actual bloodlines? what i mean is,in pit bulls for instance...a jeep dog is a line named after a dog....a mayfield dog is named after a man who specialises in a certain family of dogs....etc etc

Does this apply to these lines or are the names simply the kennels who bred them regardless of the family/line of dog they are from.

At a guess what is the average size of a coursing type whippet.

The outdoor thing i dont see being an issue with a nice warm heatlamp so ive got my head round that now.

The testicles thing ive never heard before,sounds a load of bollocks to me,sorry couldnt resist.

Interesting little dogs these...does money change hands at all at these races or is it just a bit of fun.

Sorry for all the questions but only one way to learn if you dont know,thanks again.


racing whippets are about 19"-21", Laguna and Nimrodel are lines, and it's not a load of bollox that racing whippets have this condition, it's common place among them, and breeders of some racing whippets will breed thier bitches to dogs known to have this condition just because it's a champ!


go onto K9 community forums (it's a non-ped and ped whippet racing forum, and do a search on crypto, theres tons of it!) would you pay £350 or above for a dog with no balls????


do your research thoughly before you buy a racing whippet, there are some breeders who are very careful about this condition, and avoid crypto stud dogs and lines, but it's very hard in racing lines, as you will find out on K9.

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  gnasher16 said:
many thanks for the replies chaps...whilst on the subject,would someone kindly tell me if a kc reg whippet can still work/race...or is it like most other breeds where the working ability of kc dogs has been ruined.


do 100 per cent whippets make good working dogs as opposed to crosses...


sorry for all the questions,just im looking into fresh interests and would like to have half an idea what its all about before jumping in feet first...thanks again for replies.


Ok gnasher to race a pedigree whippet it has to be KC registered to show it at ped shows it has to be KCreg to course under rules preb@@ it also had to be KC reg,Most whippet can compete at working racing Lure Coursing os showing but the top class coursers & workers lack the top speed to compete at open race level most who show won't work their dogs for fear of getting working scars as for the testicle coments this problem has been around in the breed for 20 years that i know of most show bred pups are rehomed as pets or pts in the racing lines people are not as bothered as all they want is speed not good i know but true so race bred pups are not hidden or pts i work/race/lure course & show my whippets they live outside on shredded waxed paper & when the temp drops below freezing i put a pig lamp above them any pups i breed are reared with heat lamps above them & i have had no problems but if a whippet is to cold the first thing they do is loose condition rapidly

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Racing whippets are smaller, and have a smaller bone structure, and are a lot lighter too than working bred whippets,


The racing height is 21inch to the shoulder the weight limits are from 14lbs to 32lbs

Pennymeadow Blackjack 21 inch 34lbs having a go at a few events

















Pennymeadow Penny





Edited by Pennymeadow Whippets
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Them dogs are a credit to you Pennymedow! :D Lovley animals!


I personally as you all know :icon_redface: Do keep mine indoors but hes a pet and im a soft shit..But if i had a yard and faciltys id easily keep one outdoors as long as they have ample bedding ect they should be fine.A dog of any breed thats been kept out from a Pup is no worse off than a house dog really- if anything better off due to fresh air..If its never been in the house it wont know what its missing :) A warm bed is a must,maybe a coat for the finner breeds in the really cold nights..But apart from that cant see a problem :thumbs-up:

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  gnasher16 said:
The testicles thing ive never heard before,sounds a load of bollocks to me,sorry couldnt resist.


  Tina said:
and it's not a load of bollox that racing whippets have this condition, it's common place among them, and breeders of some racing whippets will breed thier bitches to dogs known to have this condition just because it's a champ!


go onto K9 community forums (it's a non-ped and ped whippet racing forum, and do a search on crypto, theres tons of it!) would you pay £350 or above for a dog with no balls????


do your research thoughly before you buy a racing whippet, there are some breeders who are very careful about this condition, and avoid crypto stud dogs and lines, but it's very hard in racing lines, as you will find out on K9.



I think Gnasher was making a joke :whistle:

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It was a joke yes,sorry as it seemed to fly over your head,i wouldnt have a clue about the testicle problem as im brand new to this breed.

Many thanks for the helpful replies,seems some decent people involved with this breed which is going to make a great change and be so refreshing from another breed i wont mention where the bullshit lies and egos is just becoming too much to take anymore.

I repeat what others have said these look some fine animals pictured above...i like the look of that black dog,this is still a kc reg dog?

My only worry with kennelling one of these was that they just looked so fragile,but i guess good animal care takes care of itself if the feed pan exercise and conditions are right i dont see why they shouldnt thrive outdoors.

I like the look of the top size kc dogs so if anyone has plans for this type of litter in the coming months please drop me a line.

I wouldnt be interested in showing at all,but a spot of coursing/racing id like to give a go as i think i can put a decent condition on a dog B) ...thanks again.

Edited by gnasher16
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  gnasher16 said:
It was a joke yes,sorry as it seemed to fly over your head,i wouldnt have a clue about the testicle problem as im brand new to this breed.

Many thanks for the helpful replies,seems some decent people involved with this breed which is going to make a great change and be so refreshing from another breed i wont mention where the bullshit lies and egos is just becoming too much to take anymore.

I repeat what others have said these look some fine animals pictured above...i like the look of that black dog,this is still a kc reg dog?

My only worry with kennelling one of these was that they just looked so fragile,but i guess good animal care takes care of itself if the feed pan exercise and conditions are right i dont see why they shouldnt thrive outdoors.

I like the look of the top size kc dogs so if anyone has plans for this type of litter in the coming months please drop me a line.

I wouldnt be interested in showing at all,but a spot of coursing/racing id like to give a go as i think i can put a decent condition on a dog B) ...thanks again.


ok sorry Gnasher I took it the wrong way :oops: :friends: and you'll get the bullshit lies and ego's in KC whippet people too, just be careful, and check! :good:

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